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  • 发布时间:2022-06-30

Non-linear analysis should be undertaken using model factors and
material models which give results that err on the safe side.
Typically, this may be achieved by using design material properties
and applying design actions. However, in some situations,
underestimating stiffness through the use of design properties can
lead to unsafe results. Such situations can include cases where
indirect actions such as imposed deformations are significant, cases
where the failure load is associated with a local brittle failure mode,
and cases where the effect of tension stiffening is unfavourable. In
such situations, sensitivity analyses should be undertaken to
investigate the effect of variations in material properties, including
spatial variations, to provide confidence that the results of the
analysis do err on the safe side.
For non-linear analysis which considers only direct and flexural
effects, reference may be made to 5.8.6. Such analysis should
account for the effects of long term loading. Effects not considered
directly in the analysis should be considered separately in
accordance with Section 6.
Non-linear analysis which determines shear and torsional strength
directly has not yet reached a stage where it can be fully codified.
Particular analyses may be used when they have been shown by
comparison with tests to give reliable results, with the agreement of
the National Authority.



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