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  • 发布时间:2016-11-20
2锅炉本体钢架安装 Boiler steel structure erection 锅炉钢结构由顶板、柱和梁、垂直支撑、水平支撑等部件组成,顶板由主梁、次梁和小梁组成一个坚固的梁格,其四周有水平支撑,主梁端有垂直支撑。Boiler steel structure consists of roof, column, girder, vertical and lateral supporting, while roof comprising of girder, secondary beam, trabecula and forming a firm box. 钢架内侧柱为主要承重钢柱,外侧副柱则通过梁、水平支撑与内侧柱相连,以增加钢架的整体稳定性。钢结构从前至后共有6排。锅炉钢架的连接,采用高强螺栓和焊接相结合的方式,顶板和主梁与次梁之间,柱和梁之间,垂直支撑、水平支撑之间采用扭剪型高强螺栓连接,其余构件间采用焊接连接。 Internal pillars of the structure are designed for bearing, while the external pillars are designed to reinforce the entire stability of structure by connecting with girders, lateral supporting and internal pillars. There are 6 rows. Bolt and welding are employed in the connection of structure.  2.1 吊装方案   Hoisting plans 主吊机械选用一台FZQ2000圆桶吊,一台CC1400履带吊为附吊机械,圆筒吊布置于锅炉炉左K、L间距锅炉本体外侧柱中心线5米处,CC1400履带吊布置于炉的另一侧。钢架各段本着由炉前至炉后、先主柱后辅柱原则分段吊装,即安装一段找正一段,验收本段钢架后对高强螺栓进行终紧。钢架安装过程中相应段平台、楼梯、栏杆随之安装。 Main hoisting plants comprise of an FZQ2000 cylindrical crane and CC1400 crawler crane (as auxiliary  hoisting plants), the cylindrical crane shall be arranged at left side of boiller between boiler central line and it is 5 meters away from the boiler central line , CC14OO crawler shall be arranged on the other side of boiler. Each section of the structure follows the rule of from furnace front to back, from main pillars to complement pillars. Duiring the process of structure erection, platform,stairecase and handrails should be finishsed. 在钢架吊装过程中,视来货及制件完成情况,根据相应设备的安装位置和标高,把一次风热风道、二次风热风道、回转式空预器、预热器入口烟道、省煤器出口灰斗以及燃烧器连接风道等相关设备随之预存;各段吊装过程中,相应主降水管和刚性梁要临时吊挂在相应各层钢架梁上;视图纸具体情况缓装炉左侧及炉后7m标高下的部分拉条,做为炉内吊装设备的进入通道,炉膛内影响汽包(吊装中的初偏斜和炉顶调水平处)、板梁(炉膛内抬吊时)吊装的杆件缓装。 During the erection of structure, according to the progress of goods supply and parts fabrication, and erection position and height , we can save some equipments in their required position and ercet later such equipments including, primary hot air duct, secondary hot air duct, rotaty air preheator, preheator inlet flue gas ducting, economizer outlet ash bucket and burner connecting air duct. During each stage of erection, main downcomers and stiffening bars should be temporarily hanged in their girders of structure. As per the drawings , some braces on the left side of boiler or back of boiler below the height of 7m should be erected later, so that access for the hoisting works of boiler internals are made, in addition, any parts of boiler internal shafts that affect steam drum and plate girder lifting should be erected later.     


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