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  • 发布时间:2021-10-05



The subject is performed in according with the basic theory of Cable  stayed bridge dynamic and stationary analysis theory. The span, main cables tower and cables are designed in line with the arrangement of span. The way choose the parameters and decisive elements are illustrated. Thereafter, the sizes of deck system, main cables, end link, cable bands, storm system and anchorages are designed.
As a highly redundant system, it is inevitably brings us much difficult in the analysis of the internal forces by hand. The computer program, which named MAIDAS are used in course of calculation in order to simply the work. When the internal stress is carried out, the arrangement of internal stress is implemented in light of bridge specification. After checking the items required in the code for the across-sections, we can know the feasibility of the design.
the process of designment:According to the design assignment and thepresent Highway Bridge Specifications, Take the geological and the landform of the bridge site for further analysis, after preliminary selection, three bridge type schemas are presented, they are Cable-stayed bridge, Suspension bridge and Arch bridge. Comparing their characters comprehensively, the Cable stayed bridge is selected as the main design scheme by the philosophy of bridge design as “Practicability, Economy, Security, Beauty”.Through drawing up of structure’s dimension, internal force calculation of dead and living load, steel beam stress and strength calculation, fatigue stress calculation, the whole bridge strength calculation, checking computation of cable stress and fatigue stress, living load distortion, drawing up of steel beam’s dimension. The conclusion can be drawn that the design is up to the assignment.
Key word: Design ; cable-stayed bridge; Arch bridge;Suspension Bridge; Steel beam;Fitague stress; the main design scheme for further analysis ; Structure analysis and checking computation.

第一章  概 述    1
1.1、设计依据    1
1.2、技术标准    1
1.3、地质条件    1
1.4、设计参数    3
1.5、设计规范:    3
第二章  水文计算    5
2.1原始资料    5
2.2 水文计算    5
第三章 桥型方案比选    8
3.1、构思宗旨    8
3.2、比选标准:    8
3.3、比选方案    8
3.4、方案点评    10
3.5、方案确定:    10
第四章 斜拉桥构造设计    11
4.1 总体设计    11
4.2 主梁设计    11
4.3 索塔设计    23
4.4 基础设计    24
4.5 斜拉索设计    24
4.6 辅助墩基础设计    25
4.7 边跨临时压重设计    25
4.8 附属设施设计    25
4.9、桥面铺装、排水和防水层    26
第五章 模型建立    27
5.1 荷载    27
5.2 计算方法概述    28
5.3 模型建立    29
5.4 模型分块    29
5.5 主梁及索塔截面特性    31
5.6 初索力计算    31
第六章 内力分析    33
6.1 主梁和索塔控制断面内力和应力值    33
6.3 主塔主要内力图    35
6.4斜拉索索力    38
6.5桥梁影响线    43
第七章:桥梁下部结构计算    45
7.1 辅助墩墩柱设计计算    45
7.2 桥墩钻孔灌注桩设计    48
第八章 施工阶段内力分析    51
8.1 施工方法介绍    51
8.3 主要施工阶段图示:    52
8.4 施工阶段主梁内力计算图    55
第九章 强度验算    61
9.1 钢主梁强度验算    61
9.2 主塔单元强度验算:    70
第十章 拉索强度与疲劳验算    77
10.1、验算原理    77
第十一章 主梁的疲劳验算    81
11.1主梁疲劳验算    81
第十二章容许变形验算    93
12.1容许变形    93
第十三章  施工组织设计    97
13.1工程概述    97
13.2临时工程    97
13.3施工准备    97
13.4主要工程项目的施工方案    99
第十四章   施工预算    109
14.1工程预算编制的定义及作用    109
14.2预算编制的依据    109
14.3预算编制项目表    109
14.4预算编制说明    109
致谢    110
参考文献    111
附录一    i
附录二    ii
附录三    ii



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