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  • 发布时间:2022-07-07

摘 要:沈阳浑河长青大桥主桥为(127+142+127)m 的中承式钢管混凝土拱桥,桥面系由
RehabilitationTechniques for Dynamically Suspended
MainGirderStructure of a CFST Arch Bridge
ZHANG Wu1.2,WU Yum-hong1.2
(1. Wuhan Bndge Special Technology Co, Ltd, China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group, Wuhan 430074.
China: 2. State Key Laboratory for Health and Safety of Bridge Structures,Wuhan 430034, China)
Abstract: The main bridge of the Changqing Bridge over Hunhe River in Shenyang is a half-
through concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) arch bridge with span arrangement(127+142+127)m.
The floor system of the bridge is originally composed of the concrete cross beams and deck slabs
and the structural system of the main girder is the dynamically suspended structure.For lack of
he longltudinal bracing systems , the mtegrity and dymamlc propertles of the brldge are and
the bridge has had rather severe hidden safety danger. 10 Improve the integral safety of the
bridge, the bridge was rehabilitated and between the concrete cross beams, each 2 steel and 5 con-
crete stringers were added, the added stringers and the cross beams were connected respectively by
the girdles and by way of implanting the reinforcement and the dynamically suspended main girder
system in a arch ring was thus changed into a continuous system of the spatial cross beam and
stringer frame. The software MIDAS Civil was used to set up the finite element model for the
whole bridge of the rehabilitated bridge and the stress of the suspe nders, arch ribs and steel string-
ersand the structural integritvand dvnamic DroDes under 5 load cases were analvzed. The re-
sults of the analvsis show that the safetv margin of the rehabilitated bridee is significantlv im
Droved and the force conditions of the various components can meet the requirements The dwmamic
properties and natural vibration frequencies are greatly improved and the vertical displacement is
significantly reduced.
Key wonds:concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge;dynamically suspended structure;main gird-
er structure;stringer;finite element method;bridge strengthening



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