摘 要:通过研究不同的垫层结构对预应力混凝土管桩复合地基承载力产生的影响,对已有承载力公式进行
限元软件 Midas GTS可以较准确地反应复合地基受力变形情况;(2)印证了在桩径、桩长、桩间距、荷载一致的
Research on the Influencing factors on the Composite Foundation
Bearing Capacity of Prestressed Concrete Pipe Pile by Cushion Structure
LI Yingjie
( China Railway No.3 Engineering Group Co.,Taiyuan 030001, China)
Abstract:By 8tudying the influences caused by different cushion structures on the composite foundation bearing capacity
of prestressed concrete pile , the existing of bearing capacity is improved. Due characteristics of dee
soft 8oil, the finite element model is established relying on Zhengzhou-Xuzhou passenger dedicated railway project. By
comparing the model data and field measured data. the influencing factors on the composite foundation bearing capacit
f the prestressed concrete pipe pile by cushion structure are deduced and the calculation formula is improved. Research
conclusions:(1)The finite element software Midas GTS can reflect the defommation of the composite foundation accurate-
y ; (2) lt confirms the universal rule that the delormation of composite foundation of Column - Net Structure is greater
than that of Ple-Raft Stnucture when the pile diameter, pile length, pile spacing, load are the same, while there is big-
ger influcnce on the bearing capacity of composite foundation by the rigidity of cushion part;(3)The correction coeff-
cient of the piles and soil between piles by different cushion structures, the single pile beaning capacity coefficient, ngid-
ity coefficiemt of cture are put forward and the calculation formula of bearing capacity is corrected.
Key words: prestressed concrete pipe pile;column-net structure;pile-raff structure;composite foundation;
cushion structure