的抗震安全水平。采用《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011—2010)设定的设防烈度及地震水平,对混
计规范》(GB 50011—2010)中不同抗震设防等级关于房屋破坏和倒塌的基本要求。
Research on Seismic Performance of Existing RC Frame Structure in
Seismic Disaster Areas
WU Dil-2, TAN Ping ,STIEMER S F2
(1. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engincering and Advanced Technology,
Guangzhou 510405, Guangdong, China;2. Department of Civil Engineering,University of
British Columbia,Vancouver V6T 1Z4, British Columbia, Canada)
Abstract: A typical existing reinforced concrete ( RC) frame structure in weizhou Town,
Wenchuan County was studied to review the seismic safety levels of local RC frame building. The
icoptec assessment eve sor earthouake ground motlons were Droduced according to the loca
fortification intensity in Chinese Code for seismic Design of Burzdings (GB50011-2010). By
using nonlinear finite element method, probabilistic scismic demand model(PSDM)for RC frame
structure was built. The seismic fragility curves for immediate occupancy, significant damage
and collapse prevention darmage levels of the RC frame building were analyzed. Then, the seismic
fragility assessment of the RC frame was discussed to assess the safety levels of the actual RC
frame structure of design in wenchuan County. The research results indicate that the existing RC
rame structure 1n Wenchuan county would unllkely meet the structural damage and collapse
prevention performance objectives in related earthquake hazard levels that are found in guidelines
for performance-based earthquake engineering in Code for Seismic Design of Buildings
(GB 50011—2010).
Key words:seismic performance; probabilistic seismic demand model;seismic fragility analysis;