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  • 发布时间:2022-06-26

This standard describes two methods for the determination of the total (free and bound) acid soluble chloride
content of hardened concrete or mortar. This information is intended for use in estimating the risk of chloride
induced corrosion of the steel reinforcement. It may be used on samples of powder obtained either by drilling
or from cores or fragments removed from concrete structures or on other appropriate laboratory specimens.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references,only the edition cited applies.For undated references,the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 384, Laboratory glassware - Principles of design and construction of volumetric glass ware
Materials and apparatus
3.1 Chemicals
-Deionised water with an electrical conductivity less than 2uS/cm;
-Silver nitrate solution(0,02moVl);
Ammonium thiocyanate (NH4,SCN) solution (0,1 mol/l);
. Ammonium ferric sulfate indicator solution (100 ml of a cold saturated solution of NH,Fe(SO4)2 and 10 ml
diluted nitric acid);
For the potentiometric method, additional reagents may be required as specified by the electrode
manufacturer to ensure the proper functioning of the electrode. These will be specified in the manufacturer's instructions
for the electrode.
3.2 Apparatus
- Crushing and grinding equipment (as required to prepare samples);
1,18 mm sieve or smaller,
ventilated oven, controlled to maintain a temperature of (105 ± 5) °C;
balance capable of weighing up to 5 g to an accuracy of 1 mg;
burette, accurate to 0,05 mt;
250 ml glass beaker;
magnetic stirrer;



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