1 Scope
This European Standard descnbes a method for the characterization of structural polymer based bonding agcnts
for use in applications such as steel plate stnuctural bonding for the strengthening of concrete structures. It
involves the determination of the slant shear strength and the pull-off'strength.
2 Normative referen ces
This European Standard incomorates by dated or undated reference,provisions from other publications.These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter, For
datad references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies.
EN 24624, Paints and varnishes --Pull-off test (ISO 4624:1978).
EN 1542, Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete strachires - Test methods - Pull-off
3 Principle
The slant shear strength shall be detemined using steel prism halves glued together with the bonding agcnt.
The bond planes shall be inclined at various angles to the longitudinal axis of the prisms.
The complete prisms shall be tested in axial compression.
NOTE Stresses whichocrur ina joint made withal banding ge reso ned imtonormulstress, co.The dbjed of the test
methods described in this standand is to deinermine therelp betwaen o an meds the crilerion fig,ry-o,i.c.io deic
shapc of the failuse emvelope which represents failure of the ad hesive agent in the bonded jpimt.
For the purposes of this standard, the failure envelope is dcfined by three straight lines on a plot of normal s
against shear stress at failure as shown in Figure 1. Conventionally, ovalues are plotted as abscissar and r
valucs as ordinates.
Failure of a bonding agent is governed by its strength parameters: cocfficicnt of friction, cohesion and resistance
to separation:
-- the coefficient of friction μis the numerical valuc of the slope of the inclined lines in Figure 1;
-- the cohesion c is the shear capacity at o = 0;
-- the resistance tp separation ft is the pull-off strength ceg.the tensile capacityat r= 0°.
As these valucs are constant for a particular material, the shape of the failure cnvelope can be uscd to
characterize a material.
The failure envelope can be cxplained as follows:
sliding failure occurs when numerical valucs of shear stress H meet the incquality ltle c-pao ;
scparation failure occurs when the tensile stress exceeds the pull-off strength: o 2f .
As noted above and as can be scen from Figure 1, the failure envelope is formed by three straight lines. Stress
ficlds within the area containing the origin do not cause failure.
As an option it is possible to cxtend the test tb include a slant shear test in tension to fully complete the fa
envelope in Figure 1.