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  • 发布时间:2022-06-25

1 Scope
4.3 Standand labonatony climate, in accordance with
This European Standard is one of a series dealing with
the requirements of annex A.
products and systems for the protection and repair of
4.4 Moulds, for producing a uniform thickness of
concrete structures. It specifies a method for
repair product or systems on top of the reference
measuring the tensile bond strength of grouts, mortars,
concrete specimen, made from non-absorbent, ngid
concretes and surface protection systems (SPS) used
material, not attacked by cement paste or polymers,
for the protection and repair of concrete
into which the reference concrete specimen shall be
The provisions of the standard are applicable to
placed (see Figure 2).
products and systems applied to a maximum thickness
4.5 Vemier calipers, accurate to not less than 0,1 mm.
of 50 mm in the test method but some products may
be used in repairs where it is applied at more than
4.6 Rapid handening tuo component epoay adhesive,
50 mm thickness.
or similar, as recommended by the manufacturer
4.7 Circular dollies, with a diameter of (50±0,5) mm
2 Normative references
and with a thickness of at least 20 mm if made of
This European Standard incorporates by dated or
steel, or with a thickness of at least 30 mm if made of
undated reference, provisions from other publications.
aluminium. On the side to which the adhesive is to be
These normative references are cited at the
applied, the dolly shall be flat with a tolerance
appropriate places in the text and the publications are
of 0,1 mm per 50 mm length.
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent
The dollies shall be provided with a means for
amendments to or revisions of any of these
attaching the pull-off test equipment (see 4.11) that
publications apply to this European Standard only
ensures the load can be applied normal to the surface
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For
under test, without bending or shear forces being
undated references the latest edition of the publication
applied to the test area.
referred to applies.
The method used for attaching the dolly to the pull-off
EN 196-1, Methods of testing cement 一
test equipment shall normally incorporate a spherical
Pant I: Determination of strength.
seat, or otherwise the spherical seat shall be within the
EN 1504, Products and systems for the protection and
pull-off test equipment, to ensure the requirements of
mepair of concrete structunes -- Definitions,
this subclause can be met
requirements, quality control and eualuation of
4.8 Grinding equipment,for cleaning adhesive from
the used dollies.
EN 24624:1992, Paints and axmishes -- Pull-off test
4.9 Steel wire brush and sofi-bristled brush.
(ISO 4624:1978).
prEN 1766, Products and sgstems for the protection
4.10 Diamond cone drill and barvel, that enable the
and nepair of concnete structures - Test methods -
drilling of a (50±1,0) mm cylinder through the repair
Refenence comcretes for testing.
product and system. The core barrel should have a
cutting edge that stands proud of the cylinder by
ISO 554:1976, Standand atmospheres for condition ing
(1,5±0,5) mm (to reduce lateral forces being applied to
and/or testing - Specifications.
the test area).
3 Principle
4.11 Pull off test equipment, complying with EN 24624
with a pulling capacity sufficient to cause tensile bond
This Standard describes a method for measuring the
failure of the specimen. The accuracy shall be
tensile bond strength of repair products and systems
within -2 %.(A capacity of 10 kN is sufficient for most
applied to standard reference concrete specimens
applications). The pull-off equipment shall be capable
prepared according to prEN 1766. The method of test
of applying the load according to 3.1 of EN 24624:1992
is by direct dolly pull-off using a dolly bonded to the
and shall be provided with a measurement device that
surface of the repair product or system, with the test
displays the exerted force by an analogue or digital
area having been defined by coring through the
system. The measurement device shall retain the
reading of maximum force exerted.
4.12 Concrete test specimens, of dimension
4 Equipment
aggregate size of 8 mm or 10 mm and prepared with a
4.1 Montar micer, in accordance with EN 196-1 or
grit-blasted surface, according to prEN 1766. The
concrete mixer, (forced action pan mixer).
strength grade shall be in accordance with EN 1504
4.2 Compaction tods and eguipment, for repair
grouts, mortars and concretes according to EN 196-1.
The compaction method shall be in accondance with
the manufacturer's instructions.



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