1 Scope
7 Preparation of specimens
This European Standard specifies a method of
7.1 Sampling
determining the percentage area of voids in aggregate
concrete masonry units.
The method of sampling shall be in accordance with
prEN 771-3. The minimum number of specimens shall
be six, but a larger minimum number may be specified
2 Normative references
in the product specification, in which case that larger
This European Standard incorporates by dated or
number shall be used
undated reference, provisions from other publications.
7.2 Surface treatment
These nonmative references are cited at the
appropriate places in the text and the publications are
Remove any roughness on the test face(s) of the
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent
masonry unit.
amendments to or revisions of any of these
publications apply to this European Standard only
8 Test procedure
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For
undated references, the latest edition of the publication
8.1 Obtaining the indentations
refened to applies.
Place one sheet of paper on the bottom platen of a
prEN 771-3, Specification for masonry units --
compression testing machine (6.1).
Part 3: Aggregate concrete masonry units (dense and
Place the masonry unit on the paper, with the voids
lightueight aggregates).
running vertically, and then, if required to test two
faces simultaneously, place a second sheet of paper on
3 Principle
the top face of the masonry unit.
After preparation of the specimens thick pieces of
Apply a load of approximately 3 kN.
paper are impressed on the test surfacesl) of the
Mark the outline on both sheets of paper of the
masonry units and the indentation measured to give
indentations that have been made.
the percentage area of voids.
8.2 Measurement
8.2.1 General
4 Symbols
Measure the areas of the cross section of the voids and
is the total cross-sectional area of voids (mm3).
the masonry unit in accordance with 8.2.2 or the
weights of the corresponding areas of paper in
is the cross-sectional area of masonry unit(mm2).
accordance with 8.2.3.
Mpv is the mass of paper cut to the shape of the
8.2.2 Measurement bu geometry
void (g).
For each sheet of paper detennine the total
Mpu is the mass of paper cut to the shape of the
cross sectional area of the voids Av and of the masonry
masonry unit (g).
unit Au and express them to the nearest 10 mm2 using
the planimeter (6.2).
5 Materials
8.2.3 Measurement by uneight
Thick, stiff sheets of paper, the dimensions of each
For each sheet of paper cut out the area representing
piece of paper exceeding the dimensions of the
nearest 0,1 g Record the weight Mpor
the area of the masonry unit and weigh it to the
masonry unit by at least 20 mm in both directions.
From the sneet of paper representing the area of the
6 Apparatus
masonry unit cut out the areas representing the voids
and weigh these to the nearest 0,2g Record the
6.1 Compression testing machine.
weight Mp
6.2 Planimeter:
6.3 Weighing instrument, capable of weighing to an
accuracy of 0,1 g