This part of BS 7533 has been prepared by Technical Committee B/507. It supersedes
BS 7533:1992, which is withdrawn.
BS 7533 will be published in the following parts:
-- Pant I: Guide for the structaral design of heawy duty pavements constructed of
day paners or pmcast concrete paving blochs;
--Pant 2:Guide for the structural design of lightly trafficked pauements
constructed of clay pauers or precast concrete paving blocks;
--Part:3: Code of pructice for lagying precast concrete parring blochs and clay
pauers for flerible pauements;
Pant 4: Code of pnuctice for the construction of pauements of pmoast concrete
flags or natanul stone slabs;
Pant 51): Gaide for the design of pauements (other structunul aspects);
Part 6: Code of pnuctice for laging natural stone, pmcast concnete and clay kenb
-- Pant 71): Code of practice for the construction of pavements of naturul stone
-- Pant 81):Guide for the structural design of lightly trufficked parements of
pnecast concrete flags and natunul stone slabs.
Pant 91): Code of pructice for laging day pauers.
Annexes A, Band Care informative.
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