1 Scope
cast-in fixings
1.1 General
anchor bolts and sockets cast into the material
This Part of BS 5080 describes a method for
conducting tests under shear force on structural
during construction
fixings installed in concrete or masonry used in
building and civil engineering.
1.2 Type oftest
slots and channels cast into the material during
The test consists of applying a shear force to a fixing
installed in a solid base material.
1.3 Type of fixings
undercut anchors
The test is intended for expanded and undercut
anchors held in drilled holes by interlocking in
anchors, bonded fixings, cast-in fixings and channel
under-reamed shapes during drilling or setting
(see Figure 5)
1.4 Construction materials
3 Principle
The materials in which these fixings may be
The principle of the test is the subjection of a
installed are as follows:
composite assembly consisting of a structural fixing
a) concrete;
installed in solid base material to a shear force
b) natural stone;
applied through the structural fixing until failure
occurs. Measurement of the load applied is carried
c) cast stone;
out to determine the strength of the assembly.
d) brick or block masonry.
1.5 Application of test
4 Apparatus
There are two distinct situations in which the test
4.1 Shear testing apparatus, being a loading frame
can be applied. These are as follows.
incorporating a means of applying load through a
a) For comparative or reference purposes, for
block of steel having a diameter equal to 5d and a
which a standard specimen of base material is
thickness equal to d + 0.8 mm, where d is the
specified (see 5.1).
outside diameter of the part of the fixing that
projects from the surface of the base material
b) For a specific application, for which the base
(see Figure 1). There shall be a hole in the block,
material should be appropriate to the intended
located in the centre, the diameter being such that
use of the fixing. In this situation the base
the clearance for the stud or bolt of the fixing is in
material may be either a specimen manufactured
accordance with BS 4186, medium fit.
for the purpose or a representative section of the
base material in place (see 5.2).
The block of steel shall comply with either:
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
a) grade 665 M17 of BS 970-1, case
are listed on the inside back cover.
hardened 0.5 mm to 0.8 mm deep with hardness
HV 700;or
2 Definitions
b) grade 43A of BS 4360 and bushed with a
For the purposes of this Part of BS 5080, the
hardened steel sleeve having the same
definitions given in BS 5080-1 apply together with
specification as given in a). The bush shall have a
the following.
minimum wall thickness of 3 mm.
The edge of the hole in the block or the bush shall be
expanded anchors
radiused at each end, 0.4 mm radius.
anchors held in drilled holes by friction or wedging
After each series of tests the block and bush shall be
visually inspected and shall be replaced if any wear
or deformation is observed.
bonded fixings
An example ofa suitable form of apparatus is shown
in Figure 2.
fixings held in drilled holes by grout or other
bonding material