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针 对钢 筋 混凝 土 梁在斜 裂缝 出现 之后 剪切 变形 对结 构挠 度影 响很 大 ,且 随着 时 间的推移 影 响
不断增加 的 问题 ,开展 了 3根 薄腹 梁的抗 剪性 能 试验 ,研 究 了斜 裂缝 出现 之后 ,剪切 变形 对 结 构挠
度 的影 响 ;根 据 变 角桁 架模 型 ,考 虑混 凝 土收 缩徐 变影响 ,量 化 分析 了斜 裂缝 出现 后 的 瞬 时剪切 变
形及 长期 剪切 变形 ,并与 试验 结 果 进 行 了比 较 ;分 析 了影 响 剪切 变 形 的 参数 ,如 混 凝 土 强度 、跨 高
比、剪跨 比 、配箍 率和 纵 筋配 筋率 。结 果表 明 :斜 向开 裂后 混 凝 土 梁 的 剪切 变形 对 结构 总 变形影 响
较 大 ;梁的跨 高比对 剪切 变形 与 弯 曲变形 比值 影 响最 大 。
关键 词 :剪切 变形 ;斜 裂缝 ;变角桁 架模 型 ;瞬 时 ;长期 ;徐 变 ;收 缩
中 图分类 号 :TU375.1 文献 标 志码 :A
Instantaneous and Long—term Shear Deform ations of
Inclined Crack Concrete Bearn s
LU Zhi—tao.PAN Zuan feng
(Key I aboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structure of M inistry of Education,
Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,Jiangsu,China)
Abstract: The structural deflection due to shear deform ation could be of the sam e order of
magnitude as deflection due to bending after the form ation of inclined cracks,and the impact of
shear deformation on structural deflection might increase as time went on. For this reason,the
experim ents on the inclined cracks of three thin—webbed girders were carried out. Base on the
experiments,the effect of shear deformation of thin-webbed girder on structural deflection was
studied after the formation of inclined cracks.Also,the quantitative analysis of instantaneous and
long term shear deformation were performed using variable truss model, taking account of
cracks,concrete shrinkage and creep. Param etric analysis of concrete strength, span—height
ratio, shear span ratio, stirrup ratio and longitudinal reinforcem ent ratio were conducted to
identify their effects on shear deform ation. Results show that the effect of shear deform ation of
thin—webbed girder on structural long term deflection is significant. The span—height ratio has an
important im pact on the shear deformation and bending deform ation ratio.
Key words:shear deform ation; inclined crack;variable truss modeI;instantaneous;long term ;



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