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  • 发布时间:2022-05-07

通过电化学噪声(ECN)、电化学 阻抗(EIS)及极化 曲线研 究了四乙烯五胺(TEPA)在碳化模拟混凝 土孔 隙 液 中对 Q345B碳钢 点蚀 的抑制机理.结果表 明:通过 吸附成膜 和隔离 Cr离子对钝化膜 的侵 蚀,TEPA浓度升 高 导致碳钢 点蚀 电位正移.低浓度 的TEPA会 造成 亚稳态蚀点形核速率略微增加 ,但会 降低其 寿命 .随着 TEPA浓 度增 加,噪 声电阻上升,而亚稳态蚀 点寿命和平均 点蚀 电量则迅速下 降,表 明其 明显加速 了亚 稳态蚀点修复,当 TEPA浓度达 0.10mol·L 时,噪声峰消 失,基 底 电流趋 于零,蚀点全面 钝化.TEPA不仅 能抑制 CI一离子 引起 的 亚稳态和稳态 蚀点生长,还可吸附于钝化膜表 面,抑制膜 的均匀溶解.形貌 观察表 明,亚稳态蚀点主要在稳态蚀 点周 围形核和 生长 ,并不 断为稳态 蚀点所吞并,造 成碳钢表面蚀坑一般沿平面而不是垂直方 式扩展 . 关键词 : 碳钢 : 点蚀: 缓蚀剂: 混凝 土孔 隙液: 电化学噪 声 中图分类号: 0646; TG174.42 InhibitionofEthyleneam ineonthePitting CorrosionofRebarina SyntheticCarbonated ConcretePoreSolution DO NG Ze—Hua。 ZHU Tao SHIW ei GUO Xing—Peng (SchoolofChemistryandChemicalEngineering,HuazhongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Wuhan430074,PR.China) Abstract: Tetraethylenepentamine(TEPA)wassurveyedtoshowstronginhibitiononpittingcorrosionof Q345B carbon steelin a carbonated synthetic pore solution (SPS)by electrochemicaInoise (ECN), electrochemicalimpedancespectroscopy(EIS),and polarizationcurves.The pitting corrosionpotential shifts positively with an increase inthe TEPA concentration.ECN data show thatthe IOW contentofTEPA can increasethe nucleationrateofthem etastable pitsslightlyand caneffectively reducetheirlifespan.The high content(0.10 mo1.L )ofTEPA accelerates the repassivation ofmetastable pitting and this iS accompanied byan increase innoise resistance anda decrease inthe nucleation rate and average pitting charge untiIthe noisecurrenttransientsdisappearcom pletely.Boththe baseline currentandtheamplitude ofthe currenttransientsdecreasewithan increase intheTEPA concentration.indicating thatTEPA retards notonlythe pittingcorrosion butalsothe generaldissolutionofthe passivef¨m .Micrographsshow thatthe metastable pits m ainly initiate and develop around the stable pits because ofthe induction ofcorrosion products,which causes the piting cavity on carbon steelto grow generally in a planarratherthan in a perpendicuIardirection.



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