为了研究钢筋混凝土柱在不同温度场和应力场联合作用下的力学性能,采用 ABAQUS 软件对钢筋混凝
上,研究温度场和应力场联合作用对钢筋混凝土柱损伤破坏以及端部反力影响。结果表明: 试件表面温度模拟值
与现场试验值吻合较好; 不同升温过程中,试件内部温度梯度基本相同,温度从表面到内部依次降低; 随着受火面
的增加,相应面上的温度也在提高; 当采用四面升温时,截面中心升温较为明显; 当试件端部固接时,在温度场和应
极限应力状态时,随着应力场和温度场的增加,试件的损伤程度不断增大,但损伤趋势变缓。 [关键词] 温度场; 应力场; 钢筋混凝土; 损伤破坏; 温度梯度
中图分类号: TU375 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1002-848X( 2015) 20-0069-06
Research on mechanical properties of reinforced concrete columns
under combined effect of temperature fields and stress fields
Liu Hongtao,Li Liang
( College of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
Abstract: In order to study the mechanical properties of reinforced concrete columns under combined effect of different
temperature fields and stress fields,the analytical models of heat transfer and thermal stress for reinforced concrete were
developed using software ABAQUS to simulate the heat-transfer process of different sintering temperature and surfaces
exposed to fire. Based on the heat transfer thermal analysis,the combined effects of different temperature fields and stress
fields were studied on damage failures and end reaction forces of reinforced concrete columns. The result indicates that the
simulation results of column surfaces temperature are in good accordance with experiment values. During different heating
processes,the temperature gradients inside the specimen are almost the same and the temperature decreases gradually from
the surface to the interior. The surface temperature increases accordingly as the increase of the number of surface exposed to
fire. When the surrounding warming increases,the temperature of the section core significantly increases. The end reaction
force of reinforced concrete column drops under combined effect of different temperature fields and stress fields,when
boundary consolidation is applied. As the reinforced concrete is in the state of ultimate stress,the impaction of temperature
on the reaction force is obvious significantly. When the stress state of reinforced concrete exceeds limit stress,the failure
degree of the column increases with extension of the temperature fields and stress fields of reinforced concrete column,but
the trend of damage degree slows down gradually.
Keywords: temperature field; stress field; reinforced concrete; damage failure; temperature gradient
* 北京工业大学研究生科技基金重点资助项目( ykj-2013-9952) 。
作者简介: 刘洪涛,博士研究生,Email: liuht0312@ 163. com。 0 引言
资料[1-3] 显 示,全球每年发生火灾的数量约为
6 000 000 ~ 7 000 000 起,其死亡人数约为 65 000 ~
75 000 人,并呈现递增趋势。钢筋混凝土构件作为
到 300℃时,其强度开始下降,当温度达到 500℃ 左
右时强度降低一半左右,当温度达到 800℃ 时强度
几乎丧失; 钢筋对温度更加敏感,其强度降低更加明