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  • 发布时间:2022-05-05

目前跨 江河 大桥 常采 用 围堰 进行 下部 结 构施 工 ,围堰 主 要 靠钢 管桩 和 封底 混 凝 土之
间 的粘 结力抵 抗 水浮 力和其 他荷 载 ,为研 究 围堰封 底混 凝 土与钢 管桩 间粘结 力的 主要 影响 因素 ,并
得 到 粘 结力 的可 靠取值 ,制 作 了 4组 9个 围堰 封底 混 凝 土 与钢 管桩 粘 结 力模 型 。模 型 中部 采 用 中
空钢管模拟钢管桩 ,下部的封底混凝土按现场施工工艺浇筑,在钢管桩上部设置反向牛腿与下部封
底 混凝 土构成 自平衡 加 载体 系,中间采 用千 斤顶模 拟 实 际围堰 的 受力状 况进行 分级 加 载试验 ,并进
行 了仿 真 计算 分析 。结果表 明 :C25封底 混凝 土粘 结 力为 0.3~0.54 MPa,目前 设计 使 用的 粘结 力
经验值 偏 安全 ;混凝 土 强度 等级越 高 ,粘 结力越 大 ;封底 混凝 土厚 度 与钢 管桩 直径 的 比值 对 粘 结 力
影响 不 明显 ;施 工 工 艺和钢 管桩表 面状 态对粘 结 力影响 较 大 。
关 键 词 :深 水桥 梁 ;围堰 ;封 底 混凝 土 ;钢 管桩 ;粘结 力 ;模 型试验 ;仿 真计 算
中 图分类 号 :U443.162;U446 文献 标 志码 :A
M odel Test Study of Bonding Forces Between Cofferdam
Base Sealing Concrete and Steel Pipe Piles
CUI Qing-qiang ’
(1.Bridge Science Research Institute Ltd.,China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group,W uhan 430034,
China;2. Key Laboratory of Bridge Structure Safety and Health of Hubei Province,W uhan 430034,China)
Abstract:Nowadays,the substructures of the maj or bridges crossing the rivers have been
com monly constructed by the steel cofferdams. The cofferdams resist the water buoyant forces
and other loads,mainly relaying on the bonding forces between the cofferdam base sealing con—
crete and the steel pipe piles.To study the major factors having influences on the bonding forces
and to obtain the reliable values of the forces,4 groups of 9 m odels for the bonding forces were
prepared. In the models,the hollow steel pipes were used to simulate the steel pipe piles and the
base sealing concrete at the lower parts of the models was cast according to the construction tech—
nology actually used in the field.At the upper parts of the steel pipe piles in the m odels,the re—
verse brackets were arranged and together with the base sealing concrete at the lower parts,the
self-balanced loading systems were formed.At the middle parts of the pipe piles,the j acks were
used to generate forces and to simulate the actual force conditions of the cofferdams。the model
tests were carried out by applying load in steps and the sim ulation calculation and analysis were
made as wel1.The results of the tests show that the bonding forces of the C25 base sealing con—
crete iS 0.3~ O.54 M Pa and the empirical values of the forces having been used in the current de—
sign are a bit too safe. The greater the concrete strength is,the greater the bonding forces will
be. The ratios of the base sealing concrete depth and the steel pipe pile diameters do not have sig—
nificant influences on the bonding forces while the construction technology and the steel pipe pile



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