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  • 发布时间:2022-05-04

设计了 6 根外包槽钢-混凝土 组 合 梁 试 件,进行静力单调抗弯加载试验。通过实测跨中挠度、混 凝 土 应
变、槽钢应变、缀件应变等重要数据,绘制构件荷载-位移、荷载-应变等重要关 系 曲 线,分析应变沿截面高度的分布
情况,采用能量等值法计算试件的弯曲延性系数,提出抗弯承载力计算公式。试验研究和理论分析结果表明: 剪跨
比为 3. 0 的组合梁试件均发生了弯曲-粘结滑移失效破坏; 粘结滑移现象发生之后,纯弯段截面应变沿高度分布 不
再符合平截面假定,试件破坏时,上部受压槽钢、下部受拉槽钢屈服,剪弯段缀件没有屈服; 单调静力加载条件下,
试件的弯曲延性性能较好,变形性能良好; 运用文中提出的计算公式设计外包槽钢混凝土组合梁的抗弯承载力时,
需乘以 0. 8 的折减系数。 [关键词] 外包槽钢; 组合梁; 抗弯性能; 受弯承载力计算
中图分类号: TU398 + . 7 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1002-848X( 2013) 06-0068-04 Research on mechanical performance of channel steel encased concrete composite beams Chen Zongping1,Zhang Xianggang1,Fan Jie1,Xue Jianyang2 ( 1 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China; 2 School of Civil Engineering,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi'an 710055,China) Abstract: In order to study mechanical behavior of channel steel encased concrete composite beams,6 specimens were designed for monotonic static force bending loading test. Based on the data of mid-span deflection,concrete strain,channel steel strain and lace bar strain,the curves of load-deflection and load-strain were drawn. Strain distribution along the beam height was made,bending ductility coefficient was calculated with the method of equivalent energy,and the calculating formula for bending bearing capacity was proposed. By the experimental study and theoretical analysis,it is shown that bending-bond failure mode occurs on specimens of which shear span ratio is 3. 0. After bond-slip,the strain distribution of pure bending section along the beam height no longer meets the plane section assumption. When specimens break,the upper compression channel steel and the lower tension channel steel yield,while lace bars in the bending shear sections do not yield. Under monotonic static force loading conditions,the bending ductility is high and the deformation performance is well. Bending bearing capacity of channel steel encased concrete composite beams can be designed with the calculation formular,but a reduction factor of 0. 8 is required. Keywords: encased channel steel; composite beam; bending bearing performance; bending bearing capacity calculation * 国家自然科学基金( 50908057) ,“八桂学者”建设工程专项经费资
助,广西科学基金( 桂科青 0832004) 。
作者简介: 陈宗平,博士,教授,Email: zpchen@ gxu. edu. cn。 0 引言
外包钢-混凝土 组 合 结 构 主 要 是 指 外 部 配 置 型
角钢或受拉区配置 U 形钢的混凝土构件 之 中[4,5],
破坏形态,并对其受弯承载力进行计算分析。 1 试件简介
1. 1 试件设计与制作
设计了 6 个外包槽钢混凝 土组合梁 ( Channel Steel Encased Concrete Composite Beam,简称 CECB)
试件,槽 钢 型 号 为[10,型 钢 骨 架 均 为 焊 接 完 成,缀
型后的试件见图 1,试件具体设计参数及部分实 测
试验结果见表 1。



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