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  • 发布时间:2022-05-04

混凝土防渗墙是土坝防渗加固比较常用的方法,但由于墙体和两侧坝体的弹性模量、强度差异较大, 在上覆荷载作用下墙体与土体之间产生不均匀沉降,使防渗墙侧壁出现负摩阻力,其应力甚至达到材料的极 限 抗拉 强度 ,造成墙体 出现裂缝 ,防渗效果降低。本 文 以 崮山水 库 为例 ,采 用有 限元 法分 析 防渗墙 的 受力状 态 , 探讨 了模量 比值 k的变化对墙体 负摩 阻力的影响 、相 对沉 降与负摩 阻力 的关 系、 中性 点的位置 等,为 防渗墙 的 运行管理提供理论支持。 【关键词】 防渗墙;负摩阻力;分析 中图分类号 :TV543+.82 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1673-8241 (2015110-0066-05 Analysison negativefriction resistance ofearth dam concrete cut.offwallsidewalls CHENG Suzhen,DU Bin,LIU Lili (ShandongWaterConservancyScientificResearchInstitute,Ji'nan250013,China) Abstract:Concrete cut—of wallisa more commonly used method in earth dam anti—seepage reinforcement. However. elasticmodulusand strength differencesofwallsanddam bodiesonbothsidesaregreater.Uneven settlementisproduced between the walls and soilunderthe effectofoverlying load, thereby negative friction resistance is produced on the sidewallsofcut—of wall,and the stressevencan reach ultimatetensilestrengthofthematerials,therebyleadingtOcracks onthewallsand low seepage controleffect. In the paper,Gushan Reservoirisadopted as an example. Finite element method isadopted tO analyzethe stressstate ofcut—of wal1. Influence ofthe change ofmodulusratio k to the negative frictionresistanceofwalls, relationship between relative subsidence and negative friction resistance,position ofneutral point,etc.arediscussed,andtheory supportisprovided foroperationandmanagementofcut—of wal1. Keywords:cut—of wall;negativefrictionresistance;analysis



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