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  • 发布时间:2022-04-28

介绍了水工混凝土结构设计规范中应力图形法的演变过程,对比分析了 4 种规范配筋计算公 式的差异,以承载板、泄洪深孔、升船机上闸首等实际工程为例计算配筋量。 计算结果表明:应将 SL 191—2008 中允许混凝土承担的拉力不宜超过总拉力的 30% 修正为 15% ;SL 191—2008 修正 后,SDJ20—1978 计算的配筋量最大,SL 191—2008 居中,DL / T5057—2009 最小;当承载板、泄洪深 孔和升船机上闸首结构按平面问题计算时,DL / T5057—2009 和 DL / T 5057—1996 计算的配筋量相 近,最大仅相差 4. 1% ;计算应力场未考虑温度作用时,通常混凝土承担的拉力取零,通过增加配筋 量限制裂缝宽度。 关键词:应力图形法;非杆件体系结构;配筋计算;钢筋混凝土;有限元法 中图分类号:TV314 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006 7647(2014)02 0031 05 Comparison of stress graphic reinforcement calculation methods in various design codes for hydraulic concrete structures/ / MENG Ying, WANG Jiwei, LENG Fei(College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China) Abstract:The evolution of the stress graphic method in four kinds of design codes for hydraulic concrete structures is introduced, and the reinforcement calculation formulas in different codes are compared and analyzed in this paper. Reinforcement calculation was conducted in practical engineering projects, including a bearing plate, a flood鄄discharging deep orifice, and the upper lock head of a ship lift. The calculation results are as follows: In the code SL 191—2008, it is recommended that the maximum proportion of the tensile force that the concrete can bear to the total tensile force be less than 15% , rather than 30% . After the code SL 191—2008 is revised, the amount of reinforcement by the code SDJ20— 1978 is the largest, the reinforcement by the code SL 191—2008 is moderate, and the reinforcement by the code DL/ T 5057—2009 is the smallest. When the bearing plate, the flood鄄discharging deep orifice, and the upper lock head of the ship lift are regarded as plane problems, their amounts of reinforcement by codes DL/ T 5057—2009 and DL/ T 5057— 1996 are close, with a maximum difference of only 4. 1% . When the effect of temperature is not considered, the tensile force that the concrete can bear is usually zero, and we can increase the amount of reinforcement to limit the crack width. Key words: stress graphic method; non鄄member concrete structure; reinforcement calculation; reinforced concrete; finite element method 在水工建筑物中,由于某些配筋结构形体复杂 或尺寸比例悬殊(如大坝孔口与预应力闸墩、蜗壳 与尾水管、船闸与闸首底板等),无法将结构简化为 一般杆件体系按结构力学求解内力,只能按弹性理 论的方法求解应力,此类结构称为非杆件体系结 构[1] 。 目前非杆件体系结构的配筋设计有 3 种方 法:淤基于试验成果的承载力配筋计算方法,目前仅 限于深受弯构件、牛腿、弧门支座等少数结构;于按 弹性应力图形面积计算配筋量的应力图形法,可适 用于所有的非杆件体系;盂钢筋混凝土非线性有限 单元法,用于复核重要的配筋结构的承载力与裂缝 的开展区域和性态。 对于一般的非杆件体系结构, 按应力图形法配筋即可满足要求[2] ;对重要的非杆 件体系结构,采用钢筋混凝土有限元法进行计算分 析时,需要先由应力图形法计算配筋量,因此应力图 形法是非杆件体系结构配筋设计的基础。 目前适用于水利水电工程水工混凝土结构设计 的规范有 2 个版本,即电力系统的 DL / T5057—2009 《水工混凝土结构设计规范》[3] 和水利系统的 SL 191—2008《水工混凝土结构设计规范》[4] ,它们关 于应力图形法的原理相同,但配筋计算公式不同,系 数取值也有所不同,计算的配筋量略有差异。



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