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  • 发布时间:2022-04-16

:以轻 骨料 混凝 土和普 通混 凝土破 坏 面 的不 同特 征 为切 入 点 ,剖 析 了已有 的混 凝 土破 坏 面模
型存 在 的 问题 ,指 出 了轻 骨料 混凝 土 破 坏 面应 为主 应 力 空 间连 续 、光 滑 、外 凸的整 体 闭 口曲 面.根
据 轻骨料 混凝 土 的各 向 同性特 征 ,建 立 了主应 力空 间二 次 函数 型 轻 骨料 混 凝 土 的破 坏 面模 型 ,并
对其采 用特征 应 力点 试验 数 据 进 行 了量 化.量 化 的 轻 骨 料 混 凝 土椭 球 面破 坏模 型 的任 一剖 切 面
(包括拉 压子 午线 和偏 平面 包络线 )均 为椭 圆曲线 ,避免 了 以往 的 混凝 土破 坏 面模 型 的拉 压 子 午 线
和 偏平 面 包络 线分 别采 用不 同类型 函数描 述 的 问题 ,克服 了混凝 土二 次抛 物 线 型拉 压 子 午线破 坏
面有 尖 角(不光 滑 、不 可导 )的缺 陷.通过 与试 验数 据 对 比分析 ,验 证 了建 议 的轻 骨料 混 凝 土 椭球 面
破 坏模 型 的精度 。
关键词 :轻骨料 混凝 土 ;破坏 面模 型 ;拉 压 子午 线 ,偏 平 面 包络 线
中 图分 类 号 :TU528.2 文献 标志码 :A doi;10.3969/j.issn.1007—9629.2014.01.011
Failure M odel of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
W _AN G W nzhen
(Faculty of Architectura1.Civil Engineering and Environm ent,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China)
Abstract:Starting from different characters of failure models of lightweight aggregate concrete and normal
concrete,the problem s of current failure models of concrete were analyzed. It is pointed out that the fail—
ure surface of lightweight aggregate concrete should be continuum ,smooth and protruding curved surfaces
in principal stress space. The failure model of lightweight aggregate concrete described by using quadratic
functions in principal stress space was brought forward based on isotropic m echanical characters of concrete
materials and was quantified with experim ental results of representative stress points.The envelope curves
of any cross sections of the quantified elliptical failure model,including tensile and compressive meridians
and failure envelope curves in deviated plane,are shown to be elliptical curves. The problems of current
failure models of concrete were solved,in which the tensile and com pressive meridians and failure envelope
curves in deviated plane were described by using different types of functions. The disadvantage of tensile
and compressive m eridians with sharp corner due to using of quadratic parabola is overcome.The precision
of the suggested elliptical failure model of lightweight aggregate concrete is verified by com paring with ex—
perim ental data.
Key words: lightweight aggregate concrete; failure m odel; tensile and compressive meridian; envelope
curve of deviated plane



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