某大桥靠岛岸侧的 5×35m连续梁引桥 于 2012年 某 日凌晨 3时左右遭 受火灾。为 恢 复该桥 的使 用功 能 ,针 对 火损 后 的桥 跨 进 行 现 场 检 测 ,并 结合 火 场 温度 和 结 构 温度 场 的模 拟 分 析 ,对结构的受损程度进行综合评定。结果表明箱梁表面有较 大面积的混凝土崩落,且造成钢筋外 露 ,受 火 灾影响 最为严 重 的是 内侧 翼 板 处 ,因火损 导致 8根横 向预 应 力钢绞 线 外露 。在此基 础 上针 对箱 梁混凝 土 火损 后 剥 落采取砂 浆修 补 或灌 注并 结合 粘 贴锚 固钢板 的措 施 ;针 对 翼板 横 向预 应 力 火损 采取 增设钢 结 构 隔板 的措 施 ;针 对 结构整 体采 用张拉 粘 贴预 应 力 碳 纤 维板 的措 施 进 行 维修 加 固。经试 验评 定 ,验 证 了加 固方案 实施后 的桥 梁承载 能力得 以恢 复 。 关键 词 :连 续 梁桥 ;箱 形 梁 ;预 应 力混 凝 土结构 ;火损 ;检 测 ;评 估 ;维修加 固 中图分 类号 :U448.215;U445.7 文献标 志码 :A Assessmentand StrengtheningofaFireDamaged Prestressed ConcreteContinuousGirderBridge LIUHua ~,GAOZong—yu ,LIUQi—wei。,ZHANGJun—lei'。 (1.ChinaRailwayMajorBridgeReconnaissance& DesignGroupCo.,Ltd.,Wuhan430050,China; 2.ChinaRailwayMajorBridge(Nanjing)Bridge8LTunnelDiagnosis& RemedialCo.,Ltd.,Nan— jing210061,China;3.SchoolofTransp0rtati0n,SoutheastUniversity,Nanjing210018,China) Abstract:The5× 35一m span continuousgirderapproach bridgeofabridgeon theisland bank sidecaughtfireatabout03:00 in the early morning in a day in 2012. To restore the operational function ofthebridge, the fire dam aged spansofthe bridge were inspected in the field,thefire temperaturesand tem perature fieldsofthe structureweresim ulated and analyzed and thedam age degreesofthe structurewerecomprehensively assessed. The resultsofthe assessm entshow that rathergreatareaofconcrete spalling occurson thesurfaceofthebox girderofthebridgeand the concrete spallingcausestheexposureofthereinforcementthere.Thepartoftheboxgirderaffect— ed mostseverely by thefiredamageistheinnersidecantileverslabwhere8 transverseprestressing steelwirestrandsareexposed.A ccordingtotheassessment,theconcretespallingofthebox gird— erisrepairedby them easure ofplastering or grouting the cementm ortarand binding the anchor steelplates. Thedamaged prestressing steelwirestrandsofthecantileverslab arerepairedby the measureofadding thesteelpartition platesandthewholestructureisrepairedandstrengthenedby the measure ofbinding and tensioning the prestressing carbon fiberreinforced polymer (CFRP) plates. The further tests and assessm entprove that the load—bearing capacity ofthe bridge has been restored afterallthesemeasuresare taken. Keywords:continuousgirderbridge;box girder;prestressedconcretestructure;firedam age; inspection and testing;assessm ent;repairing and strengthening