:为准确获取沫水河特大桥主梁用 C50高强高性能混凝 土的优 化配合 比,对单掺 粉煤灰 、矿 渣 以及粉煤灰 与矿 渣复掺 后均 为 20% 条件 下的 C50高强 高性能混凝 土的徐变性能进行试验研 究。研究结果表 明:20%矿 物掺合料 的掺入 ,均 大大抑制 了 C50高强高性能混凝土徐 变的增加 ,在 同水胶 比条件 下 ,粉煤灰 与矿 渣的复掺 与单掺粉 煤灰或单掺矿 渣相 比,其抑 制 C50 高强高性能混凝土徐 变增加的效果明显 ,与基准混凝土相 比,其抑制效果更显著。粉煤灰 与矿渣复掺 2(】% 的 C50高强 高性能 混凝 土配制技 术解决了沫水河特大桥混凝土结构超 高泵送 、低徐 变等技 术难题 ,对类似 工程的高强混凝土施工技术具有重要 的借 鉴作 用。也可为相应规 范的修 订积 累原始试验数据 。 关键词 :徐 变性 能;矿物掺合料 ;高强 高性 能混凝土 ;超 高泵送 中图分类号:U418.6 6 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1672—7029(2015)02—0303—06 Experimentalresearchoncreep behaviors ofC50 highstrength and highperformanceconcrete on Mishuirivergiantbridge W U Guoguang (HunanProvincialExpresswayAdministration,Changsha410000,China) Abstract:In orderto accurately obtain the optimized mix propo~ion ofC50 high strength and high performance concreteusedon MishuiRiverGiantBridgegirder,experimentalresearch wasperform ed on thecreep behaviorof flyash,slagand flyash —slagadmixedforC50high strength and high perform anceconcreteinwhich bothflyash and slagare20% afterremixing.Theresultsshow thattheincorporation ofmineralmixtureswith20% hasgreatly inhibited the increaseofcreep forC50high strength andhigh perform ance.Undertheconditionofthesamewater — cementratio,itsinhibition effectofcreepwith themixtureoffly ashandslagonC50high performanceconcrete increasessignificantlywhen comparedwiththatwithonlyflyash orslag.Moreover,itsinhibitoryeffectismoresig‘ nificantwhen compared with the reference concrete,.The mixture technology ofC50 high perform ance concrete with flyash and slagadmixed by20% hassolved thetechnicalproblemslikeconcretestructuresuper——highpum。‘ ping and low creep ofMishuirivergiantbridge,ere.,which playsan importantrole in providingreferencetothe high—strengthconcreteconstructiontechnology ofsimilarprojeets,andalsocanaccumulateoriginalexperimental datafortheamendmentsofcorrespondingspecifications. Key words:creep behavior;mineral mixture;high—strength and high —perform anceconcrete;super—high pum。 ping