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  • 发布时间:2022-03-23

:结构状态模拟是加固设计和加固后评估的前提和基础 ,为了提出在役预应力混凝土斜拉桥维修加固前基 准计 算模型的建立方法 ,以天津永 和大桥为例 ,从 原桥施工过程 的模拟 出发 ,依据 桥面线 形 、索 力及塔 顶偏位等 结构指标的检测结果 ,通过分析大 桥服役期内各种 因素对结 构性 能的影 响 ,确定相 应 的误差 调整方 法 ,提 出相 关的简化或近似处理手段 ,使模拟计算 结果逼近于 当前 的检测结 果。模拟结果表 明 :计算 选取 的结构 刚度参数 合理 ,计算桥 面线形 与检测结果误差不 超过 ±5cm,计算 索力与检 测索力 误差 不超 过 ±3% ,计 算塔 顶偏 位与检 测值 较为接近。 关键 词 :预应力混凝 土 ;斜拉桥 ;结构状态 ;模拟 中图分类号 :U448.27;U445.72 文献标识码 :A Simulation on structuralstateofPC cable-stayed bridgesin service LIHong-jiang,WANG Rong.xia,WANGLei (1.ResearchInstituteofHighway,MinistryofCommunications,Bering100088,China;2.SchoolofCivilEngineer- ing,HebeiUniversityofTechnology,Tianjin300132,China) Abstract:Thesimulation on structuralstate isthe precondition orbasisforstrengthening design and postevaluation afterstrengthened inprestressed concretecablestayedbridges.In ordertopresentthe method ofestablishingthebaselinecalculation modelforstrengtheninganexistingprestressed concrete cablestayedbridge,YongheBridgeinTianjinistakenasanexample.A FEM modelisobtainedto simulate itsoriginalstatefirstly.Then,accordingtoitscurrentdetected results,such asthegeometry ofbridgedeck,cableforcesand theinclineddisplacementatthetop oftowers,somefactorsin service onstructuralperformancesareanalyzed.Finally,acalculationeroradjustmentmethodisprovided, and some simplification and approximation are introduced to make the calculation results consistent withthedetected ones. Simulation calculation resultsshow thatselected theoreticalstructuralrigidity isappropriate,and the erorbetween the calculated geometry ofbridge deck and thedetected oneis lowerthan ±5cm. Moreover.theerrorisnotmorethan ±3% between each calculated cableforces and itscorresponding detected one and the inclined displacementcalculated atthe top oftowersis close tothe detected data. Key words:prestressed concrete;cablestayed bridges;stru cturalstate;simulation



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