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  • 发布时间:2022-03-22

:在 对 大量 文献进 行研 究与 对 比分析 的基 础上 ,总 结 了近 l1年 来各 国再 生 混凝 土 耐 久性 的研
究成果 ,包括 再 生混凝 土抗 氯 离子渗 透性 、抗 冻性 、耐磨 性 、抗碳 化性 。通 过灰 色关联度 定 量分析 了
再 生混凝 土 氯 离子 渗透 性 影响 因素 的主 次关 系。结果表 明 :再 生混凝 土 的抗 氯 离子渗 透性 、 抗 冻 性
和耐 磨性 随再 生粗 骨料 取代 率增 加 而 变差 ,混凝 土 耐磨 性 随再 生细 骨料 取 代 率的增 加 而 变好 ,大部
分混 凝 土的抗 碳化 性 随再 生粗骨 料取 代率 增加 而 变差 ,少部 分 出现 变异 ;通过 灰 色关联 分析 得到 的
再 生 混凝 土氯 离子渗 透 性影 响 因素从 大到 小依 次为 水灰 比 、掺 合料 、混 凝 土龄 期 。
关 键词 :再 生骨 料取 代 率 ;再 生混 凝土 ;耐 久性 ;氯 离子 ;抗 冻性 ;耐磨性 ;碳 化
中图分 类号 :TU528.79 文 献标 志码 :A
Influence of Recycled Aggregate Replacem ent Ratio Oil
Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
YING Jing wei 。XIA()Jian—zhuang '
(1.Departm ent of Building Engineering,Tongj i University,Shanghai 200092,C;l1ina
2. Key Laboratory()f Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Miniswy of Educati()I1.
Tongji UniversilY,Shal~ghai 200092,Chin~1)
Abstract: Based on the intensive reference investigations, aut hors reviewed the research
achievem ents on recycled aggregate concrete (RAC)durability in the past 1 l years at horne and
abroad, which including chloride ion perm eability, frost resistance, abrasive resj tance。 and
carbonation resistance. Through the gray correlation quantitative analysis, the primary and
secondary relations of various factors influencing the chloride ion perm eabilitv 。f RAC were
studied. Results show that the chloride ion permeability,frost resistance and abrasive resistance
of RAC becom e worse with the increasing of recycled coarse aggregate replacem ent ratio. The
abrasive resistance of concrete t)ecomes better with the increasing of recycled fine aggregatc
replacement ratio. H owever,the carbonization resistance of most concrete become better w ith the
increasing of recycled coarse aggregate replacem ent ratio, a little of which appear deviation:
according to the im portance of the influence on the chloride ion perm eability of RAC based on
gray correlation analysis,the influencing sequence of the impact factors is:water ccment rati()。
adm ixture,concrete curing age.
Ke, words:recycled aggregate replacement ratio; recycled aggregate concrete; durability; cb1o
ride ion;frost resistance;abrasive resistance;carbonati()n



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