为了研究磷渣粉、石灰石粉复合掺合料(PL 掺合料)替代粉煤灰的可行性,测试了磷渣粉和 石灰石粉、域级粉煤灰等材料的基本性能,对比分析了其水泥浆体的微观形貌,测试了不同掺合料 大坝混凝土的力学、耐久、变形性能。 通过 PL 掺合料混凝土与粉煤灰混凝土的性能对比试验,结 果表明 PL 掺合料在微观结构和宏观性能方面综合优于域级粉煤灰,尤其是其长龄期的抗压强度、 极限拉伸值等性能;PL 掺合料成本低廉,具有较高的技术经济效益和社会效益,在缺乏优质粉煤灰 的西南地区,可以替代粉煤灰作为大坝混凝土的掺合料。 关键词:掺合料;磷渣粉;石灰石粉;粉煤灰;微观形貌;孔结构;大坝混凝土 中图分类号:TV42 + . 3;TU528. 041 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006 7647(2015)04 0085 05 Performance test of phosphorus slag powder and limestone powder compound mineral additive and the compounded concrete / / WANG Heng1,2 , LU Cairong1,2 , MEI Guoxing1,2 , LIU Weibao1,2 , GE Xueliang1,2 , YANG Hu1,2 (1. Materials and Structural Engineering Department, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210024, China; 2. Research Center of Ministry of Water Resources on New Materials in Hydraulic Structures, Nanjing 210024, China) Abstract: In order to study the feasibility of the compound mineral additives composed of phosphorus slag powder and limestone powder(PL) for substituting fly ash(FA), basic characteristics of phosphorus slag powder(P), limestone powder (L) and FA were tested. Additionally, the micro structures of their cement paste were analyzed comparatively, and the performance of mechanical, durability, deformation of dam concrete with different mineral additives were tested. According to the comparison of characteristics of PL concrete and FA concrete, it is concluded that the performance of PL concrete is better than that of FA concrete on micro and macro scales, especially on the long鄄term compressive strength, and ultimate tensile strain scale. Besides, the PL mineral additive has lower cost as well as higher technical and social benefits. Thus, in Southwest China, where it is lacking high鄄quality FA, the substitution of PL additive for FA as mineral additive used in dam concrete is feasible alternative. Key words: mineral additive; phosphorus slag powder; limestone powder; fly ash; micro morphology; proe structure; dam concrete 国内混凝土坝的建造过程中,通常采用火电厂的 粉煤灰作为混凝土掺合料。 粉煤灰是火力发电的副 产品,由除尘器收集烟气中的颗粒得到,其化学组成 主要为 SiO2 、Al2O3 、Fe2O3 和 CaO,物相多为玻璃体, 也有石英、莫来石、赤铁矿等晶体,占 5% ~50% [1] 。 随着国内水电工程的不断开建,粉煤灰逐渐成 为紧缺资源,而很多大型水电工程所在地附近没有 大型火电厂,使得粉煤灰价格居高不下,已经没有经 济性可言。 当前火电厂出于环保的考虑,在高质量 的燃煤中掺加了低质量的煤,使得粉煤灰的品质一 定程度有所降低,且由于排放限制,粉煤灰中残留的 硫含量也较高,使用这样的粉煤灰作为掺合料,对混 凝土的体积稳定不利。 因此需要寻找新的掺合料来 替代粉煤灰,如采用铁矿渣粉和石灰石粉等[2] 。 西南地区磷矿较多,磷渣是电炉法制备黄磷时 的工业副产品,用电炉法制取黄磷时,在黄磷的制备 过程中,利用焦炭和硅石作为还原剂和成渣剂,使磷 矿石中的钙和二氧化硅化合形成熔融炉渣,将之排 出后经高压水淬急冷,即为粒化电炉磷渣,简称磷 渣。 磷渣中主要成分为 CaO·xSiO2 ,x 的取值通常 在 0郾 8 ~ 1郾 2 范围内,这部分主要为玻璃体,总量约 在 85 % 以上,其他组分如 Al2O3质量分数大多小于