为研究斜 向施加预应 力路面的受力特性 ,通 过理论推导 由斜 向预应 力产生 的路面板 内压应 力计 算
公式 ,预应力筋的直径 、布设角度和间距是 影响板 内应 力的 主要 因素。建立 力学模 型 ,模拟 分析 预应 力筋作 用位
置 、布设间距和角度 以及直径大小对路 面板应 力的影响 ,结果表 明,斜 向预应力混凝土路面 的锚 固区和板角部 分区
域 出现 拉应 力 ,但混凝土不会 出现开 裂;预应力筋布置 在 1/2板厚偏 下是合 理 的,此时板 底压应 力大于板 顶部 ,路
面板产 生负弯矩 ;预应力布设角度建议范 围为 25。一45。;考虑到经济性 和预应 力筋 张拉空 间 ,建议预应 力筋 布设 间
距 最小 为 0.5 m,预应力筋 的布设 间距也不 能过大 ,过大易造成路面板 应力分 布不均匀 ;可通过 调整预应 力筋 的直
径 ,以得到合理的布设角度 和间距 。
【关键词 】道路工程 ;水泥混凝土路面 ;斜 向预应力 ;力学模型 ;数值模拟
[中图分类号 】U 416.216 1 [文献标识码 】A 【文章编号 】1674—0610(2014)02—0027—04
Stress Num erical Simulation of Cross.tensioned Prestressed
Concrete Pavement
LI Na ,ZHANG Dongsheng ,XU Xijuan ,HAN W eiwei
(1.Xi’an Highway Research Institute,Xi’an Shaanxi,7 10065,China; 2.Shaanxi Provincial Communication Construction Group,Xi’an Shaanxi,710075,China)
[Abstract]In order to study mechanical characteristics of the cross—tensioned prestressed concrete
pavement,calculation formulas for the average compressive stress caused by prestressing was deduced,
diameter,the angle and distance of tendon are the main factors.the finite model of cross.tensioned pres.
tressed concrete pavement was buih,the effect of tendon location,the angle of tendon applied and dis—
tance between tendon and diameter on stress distribution were also analyzed.The test results show that,
because of cross-tensioning,the tensile stress will appear at anchorage zone and corner of the slab,but
concrete cracking will not occurr;it is reasonable to place the tendon bellow the mid.depth of the slab,at
this depth,the compressive stress of the bottom slab is larger than the top of that,lowering tendon bellow
the mid—depth of the slab causes the slab to have an induced negative moment;the recommended angle,
at which the tendon applied,should be 25。一45。;the minimum distance between the tendon should be
0.5 m considering economy and the tensioning space rope,the distance between the tendon should not be
too large,otherwise the uneven stress distribution of the slab could be caused;in the event that the ca1.
culated distance between tendon is too close or the calculated angle is too large, diameter of tendon
should be adjusted to increase compressive stress of the slab and the reasonable distance and angle will be
[Key words]cement concrete pavement;cross—tensioned prestress;the finite model;numerical