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  • 发布时间:2021-10-23

仙游抽水蓄能电站上水库主坝为混凝土面板堆石坝,最大坝高72.6 m。为提 高其面板混凝土抗
裂性能,对四种抗裂方案进行对比试验研究。结果表 明:掺纤维素纤维混凝土的坍落度及含气量损失率
较小,抗拉强度和极 限拉伸值最高,弹性模量较低 ;纤维素纤维混凝土抗裂性能最好 ,与基准相比,减
裂率达到 85.6%,而增密剂和抗裂剂分别为 17.3%和 30.5%。经综合分析混凝土各项性能研 究结果,
最终采取纤维素纤维混凝土设计方案。混凝土面板在下闸蓄水前仅在 中间分块 出现少数小于 O.2 mm的
裂缝,并按照设计要求进行 了处理,面板混凝土质量符合设计及规范要求,满足下闸蓄水要求。
关键词 :纤维素纤维混凝土 ;混凝土面板堆石坝;面板混凝土;抗裂性能;仙游抽水蓄能电站
中图分类 号 :TV43 文献标识码 :B 文章编号 :1000—0860(2013)02.0051.04
Study on m ixing ratio and anti-cracking perform ance of face slab concrete for dam of upper reservoir of
Xianyou Pum ped Storage Hydropower Station and its application
HU Yingxin ,ZHAO Zheng2, LIU Tianyun ,SHI Huicong ,YAO Xin ,DAI Liqiong2
(1.Gezhouba Group Sanxia Industrial Co.,Yichang 443000,Hubei,China;
2.Shanghai Royang Innovative Material Technologies Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:The main dam of the upper reservoir of Xianyou Pumped Storage Hydropower Station is a concrete face rock—fil1 dam
with the maximum height of 72.6 m.In order to improve the anti—cracking performance of the concrete for its face—slab。a com—
parative experiment is made on four anti—cracking schemes.The result shows that the loss ratios of both the slump and air content
of the concrete mixed with cellulose fiber are less,moreover,the tensile strength,ultimate tensile value are highest with a lower
elastic modulus.Compared with the reference concerned,the anti—cracking perform ance is best with the crack-reducing ratio up
to 85.6% .while the contents of concrete densifying agent and anti—cracking agent axe 17.3% and 30.5% respectively.Through
a comprehensive analysis on the study results of all the relevant perform ances of the concrete,the design scheme of the concrete
mixed with cellulose fiber iS finally adopted. Generally.only a few cracks with the width less than 0.2 mm are found within the
mid.blocks of the face—slab before the impoundment of the reservoir.which are immediately disposed in accordance with the de.
sign requirement,thus the quality of the concrete for the face—slab can meet the design requirement and the relevant specifica·
tions,and then satisfy the requirement of the impoundment the reservoir as wel1.
Key words: cellulose fiber concrete; concrete face rock-6ll dam ;face—slab concrete; anti—cracking perform an ce;Xianyou
Pumped Storag e Hydropower Station



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