武 汉天 兴 洲公铁 两 用长 江 大桥 为 双塔 三 索 面三 主桁 公 铁 两 用斜 拉 桥 ,对 该桥 公 路桥
主桥 钢桥 面环 氧 沥青 混凝 土铺装 的 设计 与施 工进 行研 究 。采 用通 用有 限元 程序 ADINA 建 立铺 装
结构 局部 梁段 模 型 ,根 据有 限元 分析 结 果并 结合 该桥 结 构 与环 境 条 件确 定环 氧 沥 青铺 装层 厚 度 为
60 mm,根据 材料 及铺 装 结构性 能 优化 环氧 沥 青 混合 料 并 确 定铺 装 层 结 构 形式 。针 对 该桥 结构 与
环境 条件 ,施 工 中采 用粘结料 智 能洒 布 、施 if-时 温控 制 与施 工养 护 等 关键 技 术 。 目前 ,该桥 已经 全
线贯 通 ,运 营情 况 良好 。
关键 词 :铁路 公路 两用桥 ;桥 面 ;环 氧 沥青 混凝 土 ;铺 装 ;设计 ;施 工技 术
中 图分类 号 :U443.33 文献 标 志码 :A
Design and Construction of Epoxy Asphalt Concrete
Pavement for Steel Deck of W uhan Tianxingzh0u
Changj iang River Rail-。cam’-Road Bridge
CHEN Lei—lei,QIAN Zhen—dong,WANG Jian—wei,ZHENG Bin
(Research Center of Intelligent Transportation System,Southeast Un versity,Nanjing 210096,China)
Abstract:W uhan Tianxingzhou Changj iang River Rail—cum—Road Bridge is a rail—eum~road ca—
ble—stayed bridge having two pylons,three cable planes and three m ain trusses. The design and
construction of the epoxy asphalt concrete pavem ent for the steel deck of the roadway main bridge
of the bridge were researched. The general finite elem ent program me ADINA was used to estab—
lish the sectional m odel for the pavement structure of the local girder. In accordance with the fi—
nite element analysis and in consideration of the bridge structure and environmental conditions,it
was determ ined that the thickness of the epoxy asphalt concrete pavem ent was to be 60 mm and
also in accordance with the material and pavem ent structure properties,the asphalt m ixture was
optimized and the pavement structure type was finalized.In the light of the specific conditions of
the bridge,a series of the key techniques of the intelligent binder spraying and tem perature con—
trol in the construction process and construction curing were applied.Presently,the whole bridge
has been put in operation and the operation of the bridge is 80 far son good.
Key words: rail cure—road bridge; deck; epoxy asphalt concrete; pavement; design; con—