针对水电站边坡植被 混凝土生态防护工程基材土壤主要肥力因子的逐年 变化 问题 ,采集 了四
处植被混凝土生态防护边坡的基材土壤样品,对植被混凝土相邻年份(2008年和 2009年)土壤主要 肥
力因子进行定量测定分析。同时,采用标准综合级别法对该四处的肥力水平进行 了理化性质方面的综
合性评价。结果表明:除样地 2外,在一个年循环周期 内,其他样地的植被混凝土基材土壤肥力因子
各指标值均呈增强趋势 ,且各样地相邻年份肥力水平表现为隔年增加。这为植被混凝土肥力可持续演
替 以及植被长期稳定的生长提供 了一个良好的营养水平。
关键词 :边坡生态防护 ;植被混凝土 ;土壤肥力;标准综合级别法;可持续性
中图分 类号 :S157.2 文献标识码 :B 文章编号 :1000—0860(2012)11.0047—04
Analysis on variation in alternate years of base material soil fertility for vegetation concrete eco-slope
protection of hydropower station
XU Yang ,CHEN Fangqing ,JIN Zhangli ,WAN Liangpeng ,XIA Dong ,LIU Gaopeng
(1.College of Chemistry and Life Science,China Three Gorges University,Yiehang 443002,Hubei,China;
2.Hubei Three Gorges Polytechnic,Yichang 44 3000,Hubei,China;
3.College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering,China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,Hubei,China;
4.Survey Design and Research Institute of China Three Gorged University,Yichang 443002,Hubei,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the variation of the main soil fertility factors in alternate years of the base material for vegetation concrete eco—
slope protection,the base material soil samples are taken from four sample plots,and then the analysis of quan titative determination
is made on the main soil fertility factors of the vegetation concrete in the alternate years(2008 and 2009).Simultaneously,a con—
prehensive evaluation of the physieoehemieal properties is made on the fertility levels of the four sam ple plots based on the standard
integrated grade method.The result shows that except the sample plot No.2,all the index values of the soft fertility of the vegetation
concrete base material from the other sample plots exhibit increasing trends within a cycle of one year,moreover,the fertility levels
in adjacent years of all these sample plots present the increases in alternate years:which provide a better nutrient level for the SUS—
tainable succession of the soil fertility of the vegetation concrete and the long-term stable growth of vegetation.
Key words:eeo—slope protection;vegetation concrete;soil fertility;standard integrated grade method;sustainab ility
在 日益加剧的全球环境问题及其生态后果 已经迫
露状态 ,既破坏了生态链 ,也影响了美观 ,目前国内
外常用的边坡植被修复技术 ,如厚层基材喷射绿化技
术 (TBS)… 、乳液喷播建植技术 J、客土喷播绿化技
W aterResources andHydropowerEngineering Vo1.43 No 11
收稿 日期
基金项 目
国家自然科学基金项 目(0720102149、50879043);国家水体污
大学 2011年研究生科研创新基金(2ol1cx0o6)。
许 阳(1987一),女 ,河北元 氏人 ,硕士研究生 。