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  • 发布时间:2021-10-11

:采 用有 限元 法分析 多塔 预 应 力混凝 土部 分斜 拉桥 的 结构 性 能 。 同斜 拉桥 一 样 ,部 分
斜 拉桥 可 以通过优 化拉 索初 张力 ,确定其 合理 成桥 状 态,并通过 优化 施 工方案 ,保证 结构 安全 、受力
合理 。部分 斜拉桥 的拉 索主要承担 恒 栽 ,活载主要 由主 梁承担 ;活载作 用下斜 拉 索最 大应 力幅位 于
边跨 最外侧 的斜拉 索 ,已接近 斜拉桥 拉 索应 力幅 ;塔 顶 水平位 移与 相邻塔 的 变形相 互影 响较 小 。以
大广 高速 公路 开封 黄 河大桥 为例 ,通过 改 变结构 为连 续 梁桥 和斜 拉桥 体 系后 ,对 比分析 3种 结构体
系活载 作用 下的 结构性 能 ,得 知 :从 连 续梁桥 、部分 斜拉 桥 到斜 拉桥 ,结 构体 系整 体 刚度 逐 渐增 大 ,
主 梁承 受的 弯矩逐 渐减 小 、结构 变位 逐 渐减 小 、结构 各阶 自振频 率逐 渐增 大 。
关键 词 :预 应力混 凝 土结构 ;部分斜拉 桥 ;合理 成桥 状 态 ;结构 性能
中图分类 号 :U448.27 文献标 志码 :A
Study of Structural Behavior of 7-Pylon PC Extradosed Bridge
HEZu—fa .LJZhen。
(1.Bridge Science Research Institute Ltd.,China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group,
Wuhan 430034,China;2.Panjin Transport Construction Co.,Ltd.,Panlin 124010,China)
Abstract:The finite element method iS used to analyze the struetura1 behavior of the multi—
pylon prestressed concrete(PC)extradosed bridge.Like a cable—stayed bridge,the rational com —
pletion status of the extradosed bridge can be determined through optimizing the initial tensioning
force of stay cables and the safety and rational force conditions of the structure can be ensured
through optim izing the construction schemes. The dead load of the extradosed bridge is mainly
carried by the stay cables while the live load is carried by the main girder.The maximum stress
amplitude of the stay cables under the action of live load is at the outmost cables at side span,
which is quite close to that of the stay cables of the cable-stayed bridge and the mutual influence
between the horizontal displacement at the top of a pylon and the deformation of the a~acent PY—
Ions is little. By way of example of Kaifeng Huanghe River Bridge on Daqing—Guangzhou Expre—
ssway and by changing the structure into the continuous girder and cable—stayed bridge, the
structura1 behavior of three types of the structural system s under the action of live load iS corn—
paratively analyzed.It is known from the analysis that from the continuous girder to the extra—
dosed bridge to cable—stayed bridge,the global rigidity of the structure gradually increases,the
bending mom ent carried by the m ain girder and the structural displacem ent gradually decrease
while various orders of the natural vibration frequency of the structure gradually increase.
Key words:prestressed concrete structure;extradosed bridge;rational completed bridge sta—



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