以某国~l-:k型 引水式水电站工程为例 ,探讨 了招标技术文件 中对由 Fondu高抗水泥、Alag高
抗 骨料 配置 的 Fondu/Alag高抗 混凝 土的要 求 ,及其 配 制 的取 水控 制 闸、重 力 坝孔 口 II期 混凝 土 C600
高抗混凝土设计方案的合理性和可行性。根据 国内水 电工程规 范和 经验以及《混凝土耐腐蚀性试验方
法》(ASTM C1138)要 求 ,对 FONDAG混凝 土 、Tipo II水 泥 配 置 高性 能 混凝 土 进行 实验 分析 ,提 出了
对原 C600高抗混凝土优化后 的设计方案 ,并得到取水 口控制 闸运行的验证。该优化设计方案具有显
著的经济效益,同时也对输 出中国的水电工程标准规 范和设计理念具有十分重要的推广作用。
关键词 :引水式水电站工程 ;Fondu/Alag高抗混凝 土;Fondu高抗水泥 ;Alag高抗骨料 ;设计优化 ;
硅粉 混凝 土 ;标 准规 范
中图分 类号 :TV431 文献标识码 :A 文章编 号 :1000·0860(2015)12-0005—03
Optim ization of design of C600 hiIgh resistance concrete for construction of
gate and dam of an overseas hydropower project
HE Yanfang ,TAO Zicheng
(1.State Nuclear Electric Power Planning Design& Research Institute,Beijing 100095,China;
2.China International Water&Electric Corp.,Beijing 100120,China)
Abstract:By taking an overseas large·sized diversion—type hydropower project as an actual case,the original technical specifi—
cations of the bidding documents for the Fondu/Alag high resistance concrete made of Fondu high resistance cement and Alag
high resistance aggregate as well as the reasonability and feasibility of the design scheme for the secondary concrete— — C6O0
high resistance concrete of the intake—gate and the orifices of the gravity dam mixed by them are discussed herein. In accord—
ance with the specifications for hydropower project and the related experiences in China as well as the specifications given in the
ASTM C1 138(Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Concrete, American Society for Testing and Materials,
ASTM),the experimental analysis is made on FONDAG concrete and mixing high performance concrete with Tipo II cement,
and then the design scheme for the original C600 high resistance concrete after optimization is proposed and verified through the
operation of the intake gate.This optimized design scheme not only has a significant economic benefit,but also has an imporrant popularization significance for exposing China’S hydropower engineering standards and specifications as well as the design
concepts concerned.
Key words:diversion type hydropower project;Fondu/Alag high resistance concrete;Fondu high resistance cement;Alag high
resistance aggregate;optimized design ;silica fume concrete;standards and specifications