基 于邓肯一张 E—B模型,考虑坝体填筑施工和蓄水过程,并基于大型有 限元软件 ADINA
平台,将三维子模型法应 用于苗家坝 面板 堆石 坝应力 变形计 算,并 与监 测资料 和类似 工程 的计算
结果作 了对比分析。结果表明 :子模型 法能够大大减 少 网格数量 ,提 高计算效 率,面板及接 缝 的
计算精度也有 了提 高;坝体最大沉降值 约 占坝高的 1.1% ,且沉降在竣工期 已经基本完成 ;水库蓄
水后 ,面板拉应 力主要 集中在 面板与周边山体连接 处,且 最大拉 应力均未超过 2 MPa,建议通过增
加面板 的配筋 ,铺设粉煤灰或者细沙作 为保 护层来改善 面板应力特性。周边缝 变形 最大值均 未超
过 20 mm,止 水 结构 不会 因周 边缝 的 变形过 大而破 坏 。
关键词 :苗家坝混凝土面板堆石坝;覆盖层 ;邓肯一 张 E—B模型 ;子模型法;应力变形
中图分类号 :TV641.43(242) 文献标 识码 :A 文章编 号 :1000.0860(2014)01—0056—04
3-D stress-deformation analysis on Miaojiaba Concrete Face Rockrdl Dam
SUN Chaowei ,CHAI Junrui ,CHEN Xingzhou ,CHEN Yan
(1.State Key Laboratory of Eco—Hydraulic Engineering in Shaanxi,Xi’an University of Technology,Xi’an 7 10048,Shaanxi,China;
2.College of Civil and Hydropower Engineering,Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,Hubei,China)
Abstract:Based on Duncan—Chang E-B model an d ADINA。 the 3D sub—model method is applied to the calculation on the stress—
deformation of the Miaojiaba Concrete Face Rockfi11 Dam under the consideration of the dam fil1.construction and the process of
the reservoir impoundment, and then the calculation resuhs are compared with the monitoring data and the calculated results from
the other similar projects.The resuh shows that the sub-model method can largely reduce the quantity of the calculation g ds and
enhance the calculation efficiency. Moreover,the ealculation accuracies of both the face.slab and the ioint are increased on a
certain SCale as wel1.The calculation indicates that the maximum setflement of the bod y of Miaojiaba Concrete Face Rockfi11 Dam
is about 1.1% of the dam height and almost ends during the complete period.After the impoundment of the reservoir.the tensile
stress of slab face is mainly concentrated at the joint between the face slab and the surrounding mountain with the maximum value
less than 2 MPa. It is suggested that the stress characteristics of face slab can be improved by increasing reinforcements and pla—
cing fly ash or fine sand as a protection layer.
Key words:Miaojiaba Concrete Face Rockfill Dam;overburden;Duncan—Chang E-B model;sub—model method;stress—deformation
1 工程概述
苗家坝水电站位于 白龙江下游甘肃省文县境 内,
坝址地处高山峡谷地 区,河谷呈 “V”形 ,山势陡峻。
河床覆盖层厚度 44~48 m,其 中表部水库淤积层厚
约 2—4 in,上部含碎石块石砂卵砾石层厚 6~20 in,
中部砂卵砾石层厚 l2—15 in,是河床覆盖层的主