要 :研究了粉煤灰掺量和体积砂率对用煤矸石陶粒和陶砂作为骨料配制的轻骨料混凝土抗压强度和干表观密度的影响,测
试 了不同强度等级下轻骨料混凝土可以达到的最小干密度及 相应的热导系数 。结果表 明:煤矸石 陶粒 混凝土的抗压强度和 干密度
均随着粉煤灰掺量的增加先增 大后减 小,当粉煤 灰掺量为 20%时抗压强度和干密度 最高;而随体积砂 率减 小,抗压强度和干 密度 逐
渐减小 ,满足 LCIO、LC15和 LC20强度等级 的最 小干密度分别 为 1145、1220和 1297 kg/m3,对 应 的导 热系数分别 为 O.1941、0.2050、
0.2341 W/(m·K)。
中图分类号:TU528.041 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1001—702X(2015)10—0054—04
Studies on Hghtweight and thermal properties of coal gangue ceram site concrete
ZHU M ing1,YE wupinr~,WANG Fazhou ,WANG ,CHU Yunbo
(1.Institute of Materials,W uhan University of Technology,W uhan 430070,Hubei,China:
2.Institute of Building Materials,China Academy of Building Research,Beijing 100013,China:
3.Beijing Jiangong Huachuang Technology Development Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:The influence of dosage of fly ash and volume sand ratio to the compressive strength and dry density of lightweight
aggregate concrete(LW AC) which was prepared with coal gangue ceramsite an d ceramic san d as lightweight aggregate were studied.
And the minimum level of density and the corresponding thermal conductivity that LW AC can achieve under different strength
grades were explored.The results show that:with the increase of dosage of fly as h,both the compressive strength an d the dry 印 一
par ent density of LW AC increases first an d then decreases,and the best dosage of fly ash is 20% :But with the decrease of volume
rate of sand,both of them decrease gradually.The minimum dry density grade under strength grade of LC10,LC15 and LC20 is
1145,1220 and 1297 kgCm respectively.And their thermal conductivity are 0.1941,0.2050 and 0.2341 W/(m。K).
Key words:full—lightweight aggregate concrete,coal gangue,strength,dry apparent density,thermal conductivity
0 前 言
基金项 目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAC15B04,2014BAL03B01-01)
收稿 日期:2015—07—08;修订 日期:2015—08—19
作者简介 :朱 明,男 ,1960年生,河南郑州人 ,博士,副教授 ,主要研究
方 向为水泥与混凝土材料性 能、结构与相关技术 。E—mail:mingz99@
·54· 新型建筑材料 2015.10
堆积密度不大于 1200 kg/m 。装配式住宅由于具备节能、节
时、节地、节材、节水,建筑垃圾减少 90%,施工模板减少
性能陶粒配制轻骨料混凝土,28 d抗压强度达到35.5 MPa,干