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九甸峡混凝 土面板堆石坝河床 防渗 结构研究
吕 生 玺
(1.河海大学 水利水电工程学院,江苏 南京 210098;2.甘肃省水利水电勘测设计研究院,甘肃 兰州 730000)
摘 要 :九句峡水利枢纽工程混凝土面板堆石坝坝址河谷狭 窄,岸坡陡峻 ,河床分布深厚覆盖层。根
据地形地质条件 ,采用 了大坝直接修建在覆盖层上的方案 ,其河床 防渗的结构形式是整个大坝防渗系
统的关键。设计考虑 了单防渗墙柔性连接、双防渗墙柔性连接、双防渗墙刚性连接等 3个方案,采用
三维非线性有限元方法 ,对各个方案坝体和面板的位移反应、应力反应,以及周边缝和面板接缝的位
移反应等进行 了计算分析。研究了不同方案的特点和规律 ,确定了合理的设计方案,经实施验证 ,效
果 良好 。
关键词 :九甸峡混凝土面板堆石坝;趾板 ;防渗墙;柔性连接 ;刚性连接 ;应力应变
中图分类号 :TV641.43(242) 文献标识码 :B 文章编号 :1000—0860(2010)03一OO64—04
Study on impervious structure of riverbed for concrete faced rock-伽 dam of Jiudianxia Water Control Project
L0 Shengxi ’
(1.College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,Jiangsu,China;
2.The Water Resource and Hydropower Design and Research Institute of Gansu,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China)
Abstract:The concrete faced rock—fiU dam of Jiudianxia Water Control Project is located at a narrow valley with steep slopes on
both the banks and deep overburden upon the riverbed. In accordan ce wi th the geological an d topographic conditions therein,a
scheme of building the dam directly Oll the overburden is adopted,an d then the pattern of the impervious structure for the riverbed
becomes the key—link of the whole an ti—seepage system of the dam.Therefore,three schemes,i.e.single cut—off wall wi th flexi—
ble joint,double cut—off wall witIl flexible joint and rigid cut—off wall are considered during the design concerned;for which the
displacement response and stress response of botII the dam body and the face slab as well as the displacement respo nses at the pe ·
ripheral joint and the joint of the dam slab are calculated and analyzed with 3D nonlinear finite element method for all the
schemes. The characteristics and】aws of each scheme are studied.an d then a reasonab le design scheme iS consequently decided.
At last,a better impervious effect is demonstrated through the practical verification.
Key words:Jiudianxia Concrete Faced Rock-fill Dam ;toe slab ;cut—off wall;flexible joint;rigid joint;stress and strain
1 概 述
九甸峡水利枢纽工程是 以城 乡生活供水及工业
供水 、生态环境 用水 为主 ,兼有农 业 灌溉 、发 电、
防洪 、养殖等综合功能 的大型水利枢纽工程 ,工程
区位于甘肃省卓尼 、临潭县交界处的洮河 中游九甸
峡峡谷进 口,距兰州市 约 193 km。水库正常蓄水位
2 202.00 m,校核 洪水 位为 2 205.11 m,总库 容为
9.43亿 in ,属完全年调节水库 ,水 电站总装机容量
为 300 MW,多年平均发 电量 9.97亿 kW ·h,工程
枢纽坝址区河道顺直 ,岸 坡 陡峭,两岸卸荷裂
隙发育 ,河床分 布深厚覆 盖层 ,设计地 震烈 度高。
枢纽工程包括混凝土 面板堆石坝 、左岸 溢洪洞、右
岸泄洪洞 、右岸引水发 电系统及发 电厂房等主要建
筑物 。
九甸峡混凝土面板堆石坝坝顶高程 2 206.50 ITI



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