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  • 发布时间:2021-09-27

王 业 飞 ,蔡 金 标 ,杨 国静
(1.中铁 二院工 程集 团有 限责任 公 司 ,四川 成 都 610031;2.浙江大 学土木 工程 系 ,浙江 杭 州 310027)
摘 要 :天工 大桥主桥 为 一座 劲性 骨 架钢 筋 混凝土拱 桥 。为 了研 究该桥 施 工阶段 的稳 定性 和
风荷载 、预应力对稳定系数的影响,通过建立以实体单元 +梁单元为主的 ANSYS三维有限元模
型 ,模 拟施 工过 程 中钢 管 混凝 土截 面和混 凝 土箱形截 面的分 次浇筑过 程 。根 据 计算 结果 可知 :该 桥
在 施 工过程 中的稳 定 系数 均 大于 4,满足 规 范要 求 ;风荷 栽在拱 肋 截 面分期 浇筑成 形 阶段 对稳 定 系
数 影 响较 大 ,因此 ,根 据计 算结 果增设 临时横撑 ;纵 、横 向预 应 力对 稳 定 系数 的 影 响均 较 小 ,分析 时
可考 虑纵 向 系杆 力 ,忽略横 向预 应 力 。
关键词:拱桥 ;劲性骨架;桥梁施工;有限元法;稳定分析
中 图分类 号 :U448.22 文献 标志 码 :A
Analysis of Stability of Steel—Fram e Reinforced
Concrete Arch Bridge at Construction Stage
WANG Ye—fei ,CAIJin—biao ,YANG Guo—ring
(1.China Railway Tieeryuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610031,China;2.De—
partment of Civil Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China)
Abstract:The m ain bridge of the Tiangong Bridge is a steel—frame reinforced concrete arch
bridge.To study the stability,wind load and influence of prestressing on the stability factors of
the bridge at construction stage, the three—dim ensional finite element model of AN SYS m ainly
used with solid and beam elements was established and the concreting of the concrete—filled steel
tube sections and concrete box sections of the bridge n times in the construction process was sim—
ulated. It is known from the results of calculation that the stability factors in the construction
process are aIi greater than 4 which can meet the requirem ents in the relevant codes. The wind
load at the stage of concreting of the arch rib sections in phases has considerable influence on the
stability factors and the tem porary lateral bracings are hence added in order to resist the wind load
in accordance with the calculation. The Iongitudinal and transverse prestressing does not have
much influence on the stability factors and in the analysis,the longitudinal tied m em ber force can
be considered while the transverse prestressing m ay be neglected。
Key words:arch bridge;steel—fram e;bridge construction;finite elem ent method;stability a—



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