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  • 发布时间:2021-09-25

混凝 土 折线 塔斜 拉 桥成 桥 索力确 定 的研 究
王福 春 ,粱
(1.东北大 学土木工 程研 究所 ,辽 宁 沈 阳 110004;2.
力 ,李 鑫
沈 阳市 市政工 程设计研 究院 ,辽 宁 沈 阳 110015)
摘 要 :沈 阳市 富民桥 主桥 是一座 89 m+242 m+89 m 的 混凝 土折 线塔 斜拉 桥 ,为确 定合 理
的成桥 索力 ,采用最 小 弯曲能量 法并结合假 载 法和 内力 平衡 法进 行 计算 分析 。根 据 静 力平衡 条 件
得 到 主梁初始 断面尺 寸 ;利 用最 小弯 曲能 量法得 到主 梁和桥 塔 弯矩较 小 、索力基本 均 匀的成桥恒 载
合 理状 态 ;利 用假 载 法进 行验 算 ,以保 证各控 制 断面在 最不利荷 栽组合 时的 弯矩值在规 范允许 范围
内。研 究表 明,折 线塔斜拉 桥 成桥 索力确定 可采 用与直线塔 相 同的方 法 ;索力距 离桥塔 由近 至远呈
现 由大到 小 、再 由小 至大的分 布规律 ,中跨 索力 大于边跨 索力 ;两塔 相应 位置 索力 大小不 同。
关键词 :斜拉 桥 ;折 线塔 ;成桥 恒载 索力 ;初张 力
中图分 类号 :U448.27;U442.5 文献标 志码 :A
Study of Cable Force Determ ination for Completed Bridge
of a Concrete Cable—Stayed Bridge with Kinked Pylons
,AN G Fu—chun 一 ,LJAN G Li ,LJ Xin
(1.Research Institute of Civil Engineering,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110004,China;
2.Shenyang Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute,Shenyang 110015,China)
Abstract:The m ain bridge of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang City is a concrete cable—stayed bridge
with kinked pylons and with span arrangem ent(89+ 242+ 89)m . To determine the reasonable
cable forces of the com pleted bridge of the bridge,the cable forces are calculated and analyzed by
the least bending energy method in com bination with the assumed loading and internal force bal—
ance methods. The dimensions of the initial cross section of the main girder are obtained accord—
ing tO the static balance conditions,the reasonable state of the completed bridge dead load having
little bending mom ent in the main girder and pylons and alm ost uniform cable forces are obtained
by the least bending energy method and the checking calculation is made by the assumed loading
method in order to ensure that the bending moment values of alI controlled sections under the
most unfavorable load com bination can be within the allowable range as specified in the codes.
The results of the calculation and analysis indicate that the m ethod for determination of the cable
forces of the com pleted bridge of the kinked pylon cable—stayed bridge can be the sam e with that
of the completed bridge of the straight pylon cable——stayed bridge and the cable forces take on a re——
distribution law from the great to the little and then from the little to the great from the near tO
the distant from the pylons.The cable forces of the central span are greater than those of the side
spans and the forces in the corresponding locations of the two pylons are different.
Key words:cable—stayed bridge;kinked pylon;cable force of completed bridge dead load;in—



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