摘 要:由于计算参数、计算理论、计算模型、计算方法与实际条件的差别及施工误差等原因,
中图分类号:U448.21 文献标志码:A
M odification M ethod for Vertical Geometric
Shape of Concrete Beam Bridge Deck
FU Zhan—gong,M EI Da—peng
(China Railway Major Bridge Reconnaissance& Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430056,China)
Abstract:Owing to the differences between the calculation parameters,theory,models and
methods and the actual conditions and also owing to the construction errors,the actual vertical
geometric shape of concrete beam bridge deck may not agree with that of the design target after
the bridge is constructed.To ensure the smoothness of the vertical geometric shape of the deck,
the target geometric shape needs to be modified by appropriately adj usting the leveling layer or
deck surfacing thickness.The smoothness of the vertical geometric shape means that within the
range of the designed convex curve,there should be no concave curve and vice visa.To be specif—
ic。the modification method is used to measure the elevation of a number of discretion points.The
deck surfacing thickness at the two end points is calculated according to the agreement of the
thickness with the designed elevation of route alignment.The initial elevation of the rest of the
points is firstly calculated according to the minimum deck surfacing thickness,the target eleva—
tion is adj usted by identifying the convex and concave point by point,the deck surfacing thickness
is then calculated according to the target elevation and consequently the convex and concave of the
whole bridge are kept agreeable and the adj usted leveling layer or deck surfacing thickness is kept
within the rational range. The construction of the leveling layer or deck surfacing thickness
should be preferably carried out according to the thickness control and the influence of variation
of elevation in the construction process on the measurement should be avoided.