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  • 发布时间:2021-09-18

混凝土连续箱梁支点处钢束预应力 古同 皿日 衰变研究
张 岗 。,施 颖。,宣纪明 ,刘天龙 ,
摘 要:为研究混凝土连续梁支点处钢束在火灾下的预应力损失,选取某4跨预应力混凝土
度慢,时间分界点约为40 min;对于腹板中上部钢柬,预应力衰变率在延火前后期内速度变化不明显。
中图分类号:U448.215;U441.5 文献标志码:A
Study of Prestress Decay of Steel Strands in PC Continuous
Box Beam at Support Under High Temperature
ZHANG Gang ~ ,Sill Ying。,XUAN Ji—ming ,LIU Tian—long ,。
(1. School of Highway,Chang an University,Xi an 710064,China 2. Key LaboratorY of Old Bridge Detection&
Reinforcenlent Technology of Ministry of Transport,Chang an University,Xi an 710064
, China;3.College of
Civil Engineering and Architecture,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China;4
. Arc
hitectural Planning and Design Institute,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China)
Abstract:To study the prestress loss of the steel strands in prestressed concrete(PC)contin—
UOUS beam at support exposed to fire,a 4-span PC continuous box beam was selected as an example
and the prestress decay of the steel strands in the beam under the high temperature was analyzed

The software ANSYS was used to build up the finite element model for the prestressing ducts in
the section o{the beam,the temperature distribution around the ducts was analyzed and the simpli—
fled calculation method for the average temperature of the duets was worked out. The prestress de—
cay rates of the steel strands in the section of the beam at the support under the high temperatures
of the different fire situations were analyzed as well and the calculation method for the decav rates
of the steel strands was given.The results of the analysis show that the tendencies of the time—de—
pendent prestress decay rates o the stee1 strands under the different fire situations are the same

For the steel strands in the bottom of the webs,the prestress decay rates decrease fast in the earlv
time of the fire duration,decrease slowly in the late time of the duration and the time boundarv
point is about 40 min.For the stee1 strands in the middle of the webs,the speeds of the decav rates



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