潘丽云,袁 浩,赵顺波
(华北水利水电学院生态建筑材料河南省高校重点实验室培育基地,河南郑J,l1 450011)
纤维体积率为1.0%,并按照强度等级LC35、轻骨料密度800级进行全轻混凝土配合比的设计 聚丙烯纤维掺量在
0.3~1.5 kg/m 范围内选取5个水平。结果表明,聚丙烯纤维与钢纤维混掺具有提高全轻混凝土早龄期抗裂性的作用,
早龄期抗裂性随着聚丙烯纤维掺量的增加而提高,在掺量为0.9 kg/m~时效果最佳,裂缝降低系数达到71.4% (相对
Experimental Study on Early-age Cracking—resistance of Hyb~d Fiber Reinforced Full-lightweight Concrete
Pan Liyun,Yuan Hao,Zhao Shunbo
(Cultivating Base for University Key Laboratory of Eco-high-performance Engineering Materials in Henan Province,North
China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 45001 1,Henan,China)
Abstract:The experiments are conducted to study the affects on early—age cracking resistance of steel fiber reinforced fulllightweight
concrete after mixing with polypropylene fiber.Based on former study of mechanical properties,the volume
fraction of steel fiber is taken as 1.0% and the proportion of concrete is designed according to LC35 strength grade and Class
800 lightweight aggregate.five mass contents of polypropylene fiber are selected in range of 0.30 kg/m to 1.5 kg/m。.The
results show that:(a)the early—age cracking—resistance of full—lightweight concrete reinforced by polypropylene fiber and
steel fiber will be improved and raised with the increase of polypropylene fiber content;(b)the improvement will reach the
optimum in mass content of 0.9 kg/m with a 7 1.4% crack reducing coeficient relative to that of steel fiber reinforced full—
lightweight concrete without polypropylene fiber.
Key W ords:fiber reinforced concrete;full——lightweight concrete;hybrid fiber,steel fiber;polypropylene fiber, cracking——