吉 日 同imt 下高强混凝土导热系数反演及其变异性
着温度的升高而逐渐降低,但是在200。C~400℃ 时出现反弹现象,500℃后趋于稳定;利用所建立
中图分类号:TU111 文献标志码:A
Back--analysis and Variability of Thermal Conductivity of High-。strength
Concrete Under High Temperatures
XIAO J ian—zhuang,LI Zhi—wei
(Department of Building Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,
Abstract:In order to study the thermal conductivity of high—strength concrete(HSC)under high
temperatures,the high tem perature experim ents for six types of HSC specimens were conducted
and the internal temperature fields of HSC under different high temperatures were recorded.The
calculation formulae of thermal conductivities of HSC under high temperatures were derived based
on the back—analysis of one dimension heat conduction theory,measured temperatures and the
equation for thermal conductivity expressed by discrete temperature values derived by difference
principles.Meanwhile,the changing regularities and variability of the thermal conductivity under
high temperatures were analyzed. At last,the calculation formulae for the thermal conductivity
of HSC under high temperatures were established. The study results show that the internal
tem perature variation of H SC under high temperatures can be divided into three phases. The
thermal conductivity under high temperatures of HSC will decrease with the increasing of
temperature.But the therma1 conductivity rebounds at 200 。C一400 ℃ and tends to stabilize when
the temperature is beyond 500。C.The temperature fields calculated by the proposed formulae are
in good agreement with those of other test results in relative literature.
Key words:high—strength concrete;high temperature;thermal conductivity;back—analysis;vari—
ability;fitted curve