谢开仲 。,覃乐勤。,吕文高
摘 要:由于荷载或环境因素,在役钢管混凝土(CFST)拱桥的实际状态与新建时的状态存在
中图分类号:U442.5 文献标志码:A
Resrach of a M odel Updating M ethod
for Arch Rib of CFST Arch Bridge
XIE Kai—zhong ,QIN Le—qin ,LU Wen—gao
(1.Department of Bridge Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2.College
of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University,Nanning 5 30004,China)
Abstract:()wing tO the factors of load or environment,the actua1 conditions of an in—service
concrete—filled steel tube(CFST)arch bridge can be different from the conditions of the bridge
that is newly built. In the light of the principal load—carrying part,the CFST arch rib of the
bridge,an updating method for the calculation model of the arch rib based on the conjugate gradi—
ent method and spatial curvature mode difference is proposed and the effectiveness of the method
is verified through updating of a model of a single round tube CFST arch rib.The results reveal
that the updating efficiency of the objective function based on the curvature mode and natural fre—
quency has increased 1 time as compared to that of the objective function only based on the curva—
ture mode.The updating precision of the objective function using the first 2 orders of the mode is
obviously higher than that of the objective function using only 1 order of the mode.The more the
damaged areas are,the obvious the situation will be,the lower the updating precision will be and
more orders of the mode will be required.The updating method herewith can be not only used for
the model updating,but also for the damaged area identification and diagnosis.
Key words:arch bridge;concrete—filled steel tube structure;arch rib;model updating;con—
j ugate gradient method;optimization algorithm;curvature mode difference.