刘卫东 ,苏文悌 ,王依民
量为10% 时混凝土抗冻性最好。 、
中图分类号:TU528.572 TU502.6 文献标识码:A
Research on damage model of fibre concrete under
action of freeze—thaw cycle
LIU W eidong。
SU W enti ,WANG Yimin
(1.Shanghai University for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China;
2.Donghua University,Shanghai 20005 1,China)
Abstract:Through rapid freeze—thaw cycle experiment on 4 groups of 10cm X 10cm X 40cm concrete samples,along with
using resonates and supersonic method to test the wave velocity and frequency of the samples, the damage parameter
characteristic v aIue and the intensity change of concrete samples after 200 freeze—thaw cycles were obtained.The rationality of
supersonic wave velocity as damage parameter test value has been proved;the influencing factors of freeze—thaw cycle on the
fiber reinforced concrete material damage characteristic have been studied and microscopic mechanism of damage from freeze—
thaw on fiber reinforced concrete was analyzed.In addition。combined with the change characteristics of dynamic modulus and
the supersonic wave velocity relative value.a fiber reinforeed concrete freeze—thaw damage constitutive model was established
based on methods from microscopic damage mechanics and mathematical simulation.Research and calculation indicate that
calculated value from fiber reinforced concrete freeze—thaw damage model iS consistent with the test value.the anticipated
damage characteristic from constitutive model iS consistent with the measured freeze—damage result of concrete as well,the
supersonic wave velocity as the damage parameter is easy to survey and to establish relation with the macroscopic quantity and
iS able to reflect fiber reinforced concrete S law of freeze—thaw damage.polypropylene fiber can eause the bleed air effect in
concrete and restrain the freeze—thaw damage deterioration degree effectively.In this study,frost—resisting properties are the
best when mixed with 10% fiber.
Keywords:fiber concrete;freeze—thaw cycle;constitutive model of damage;supersonic damage contents;dynamic modulus