占玉林 ,赵人达 ,毛学明 ,董碧霞。
完成了一榀钢~ 混凝土结合段模型试验。模型比例采用1:2.5,混凝土梁肋部分为T形截面,结
关键词:拱桥;钢~ 混结合段;应力;挠度;疲劳;裂纹;模型试验
中图分类号:U448.22;TU317 文献标志码:A
Model Test of Steel and Concrete Joint
Section of Dongping Bridge
ZHAN Yu-lin ,ZHAO Ren-da ,M AO Xue—m ing ,DONG Bi—xia。
(1.Department of Bridge Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China;
2.China Railway Major Bridge Reconnaissance& Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430050,
China;3.CPECC Southwest Electric Power Design Institute,Chengdu 610021,China)
Abstract:To study the whole process mechanical behavior of steel and concrete j oint sec—
tions,in accordance with the actual Dongping Bridge and on the principle of equivalence,the
model test of a steel and concrete joint section was designed and carried out.The scale of the
model is 1:2.5.The part of the concrete girder rib is the T—shape section and the transition at
the joint section is the concrete—filled steel box cross beam.At the connection interface of the
steel and concrete,the PBL shear connectors were used and the longitudinal prestressing tendons
were arranged as well to j oin in the action of the shear connectors.In the model test,three stages
of the static load,fatigue load and failure load were applied.The results of the test indicate that
under the designed load,the j oint section has good strength and rigidity and the stress levels are
low.Under the fatigue load,microcracks appear in the surface of the concrete of the joint see—
tion,however,the global rigidity of the structure is still all right and relatively to the designed
1oad,the failure load has rather high safety margin.
Key words:arch bridge;steel and concrete j oint section;stress;deflection;fatigue;crack;