张俊芝 , 石佳乐 , 庄华夏 , 黄 俊 。, 高延红
摘要:以自然海洋潮差区环境条件下暴露时间分别为60,120,240,360,480,600 d的混凝土现场
试验结果为基础,计算了5种水灰比混凝土的氯离子扩散系数;以60,120,240,360,480 d的氯离
计算了暴露600 d后混凝土中氯离子扩散系数及自由氯离子含量,验证了该时变模型的适用性.结
600 d后混凝土中氯离子扩散系数降低幅度已经很小,基本趋于稳定;得到的混凝土氯离子扩散系
中图分类号:TU528.01 文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007—9629.2016.03.009
Experimental Study on Time-Variation of Chloride Diffusivity in
Concrete under Natural Tidal Environment
ZHANG Junzhi , SHI Jiale , ZHUANG Huaxia , HUANG Jun , GAO Yanhong
(1.College of Architecture& Civil Engineering,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China;
2.Zh~iang Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Structures& Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Technology,
Hangzhou 310014,China;3.College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:Based on the field experiment of concretes exposed to marine tidal environment for 60,1 20,240,
360,480,600 d,the chloride diffusion coefficients of concretes with 5 water—cement ratios were deter—
mined.According to the chloride diffusion coefficients of concretes exposed for 60,120,240,360,480 d,the
time-variation model of chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete was deduced under natural tidal environ—
ment.Based on the results above,chloride diffusion coefficient and free chloride content of concrete ex—
posed for 600 d were calculated by the time—variation model,and the adaptability of the time-variation rood—
el was verified.Results indicate that the higher water-cement ratio of concrete iS,the 1ower attenuation CO—
efficient of chloride diffusion coefficient is,the poorer reduction effect of 1ong-term chloride diffusivity in
concrete iS.Thus reduction of water-cement ratio of concrete iS effective to reduce long—term chloride diffu—
sivity in concrete.The decrease range of chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete exposed for 600 d is very
narrow ,and the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete iS stable basically after 600 d.The time—variation
model of chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete can better reflect the chloride erosion process in concrete
under naturaI tidal environment.
Key words:tidal zone;concrete;chloride;diffusion coefficient;time-variation