刘建忠 , 孙 伟 , 缪昌文 , 刘加平
比浆体水化热和水化进程的影响规律.结果表明:掺1O (质量分数,下同)粉煤灰或矿渣粉不影响
低水胶比浆体的水化进程;掺3O ,50 粉煤灰或矿渣粉均使低水胶比浆体的水化温升和水化放
中图分类号:TQ172.1 1 文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007—9629.2O10.02.002
Research on the Hydration Heat of Paste in Ultra High Strength
Concrete at LOW W ater-Binder Ratio
LIUJian—zhong ”, SUN Wei , M IAO Chang—wen , LIUJia—ping
(1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Materials,Southeast University,Nanjing 2I1189,China;
2.Jiangsu Research Institute of Building Science Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210008,China)
Abstract:The effects of fly ash,ground granulated blast—furnace slag and water—binder ratio(m /mb)on
the hydration heat and the hydration exothermic process of paste in ultra high strength concrete at low m /
b were investigated by the test system of hydration heat. According to the experimental results,the hy~
dration exothermic process of paste,with the replacement level of 10 fly ash or slag,is similar to that of
the contro1. However,with the increasing addition of fly ash or slag to 30 or more,the highest hydra—
tion temperature and the highest hydration exothermic rate will markedly reduce,and the arrival time of
the peak is postponed.Compared with slag,fly ash is more propitious to delay the hydration exothermic
process of binder system with low m /mb.Moreover,with the increase of m / b,the time of the highest
hydration temperature and the highest hydration exothermic rate are slightly delayed,and the hydration
exothermie peak is increased to a certain extent.In addition,m /mb does not change the shape of the
curves of temperature rise VS.time and exothermic rate"US.time.
Key words:ultra high strength concrete;hydration heat;low water tO binder ratio
i00 MPa的超高强混凝土已开始在许多工程中得
以应用 .同时,伴随着新型聚羧酸类混凝土超塑化
剂的开发与应用,抗压强度大于200 MPa并具有良
好流动性的超高性能混凝土也应运而生 。 ].超高强