This publication comprises the English language version of ENV 1994-1-1:1992
Eurocode 4: Design ofcomposite steel and concrete structures -- Part 1.1: General
rules and rules for buildings, as published by the European Committee for
Standardization(CEN),plus the National Application Document to be used with
the ENVin the design of buildings to be constructed in the United Kingdom.
ENV 1994-1-1:1992 results from a programme of work sponsored by the
European Commission to make available a common set of rules for the design of
building and civil engineering works.
An ENV is made available for provisional application, but does not have the
statusofa European Standard.The aim is to use the experience gained to modify
the ENV so that it can be adopted as a European Standard.
The values for certain parameters in the ENV Eurocodes may be set by CEN
members so as to meet the requirements of national regulations. These
parameters are designated by ☐ in the ENV.
During the ENV period of validity, reference should be made to the supporting
documents listed in the National Application Document (NAD).
The purpose of the NAD is to provide essential information, particularly in
relation to safety, to enable the ENV to be used for buildings constructed in
the UK. The NAD takes precedence over corresponding provisions in the ENV.
The Building Regulations 1991, Approved Document A 1992, (published
December 1991) draws designers' attention to the potential use of ENV
Eurocodes as an alternative approach to Building Regulation compliance.
ENV 1994-1-1:1992 has been thoroughly examined over a period of several years
and is considered to offer such an alternative approach, when used in conjunction
with the NAD.
Compliance with ENV 1994-1-1:1992 and the NAD does not in itself confer
immunity from legal obligations.
Users of this document are invited to comment on its technical content, ease of
use and any ambiguities or anomalies. These com ments will be taken into account
when preparing the UK national response to CEN on the question of whether the
ENV can be converted to an EN.
Comments should be sent in writing to BSI, 2 Park Street, London W1A 2BS,
quoting the document reference, the relevant clause and, where possible, a
proposed revision, within 2 years of the issue of this document.